Parish of Leatherhead - Key Events & News 2018/19
updated 5 Apr 2019
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The December issue is the final one under the current production arrangements.
If the magazine is to continue in some form or another from January 2019, someone needs to come forward to take this on. If this might be you, please speak to Graham or Ian.
[The Editor of this page wishes to record his personal thanks and appreciation for the work done by Margaret Jones and her team in keeping the magazine going in recent years, despite difficulties, and to Jane Andrews and the team which printed and collated the magazine.]
Those wishing to receive the new Parish Bulletin edited by Alison Wright, which is an interim publication filling some of the gap until a new Parish Magazine editor can be found, are invited to request joining the mailing list by emailing stating their interest in the parish.
December 2018
The Rector writes ...
I am writing this as the season of Remembrance - All Saints tide, the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed at All Souls and Remembrance Sunday give way to the Sundays before Advent.
In order to commemorate the centenary of the signing of the Armistice that brought an end to the First World War, we all assembled at the War Memorial in North Street to honour the memory of those who gave their lives in that conflict.
It is important that we also remember the conflicts that followed the First World War - the Second World War, the Korean War, the Falklands War, the Gulf War, the conflicts in Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Kosovo, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. We do well to remember all those who served - those who died and those who returned - especially those who carry the wounds, both visible and invisible.
The War Memorial itself is, of course, a cross. This reminds us of the love affair between God and his Creation. When teaching his disciples, Jesus told them that "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends" (John 15:13). Jesus did just that for us by dying on the cross. His death conquered death and opened a way for us to eternal life.
But the life of Jesus on earth had to start; and it started in Bethlehem. The story of the Annunciation by Gabriel to Mary that she would be the bearer of the God-child, of Joseph's agonising over how he would respond to his fiancee becoming pregnant, Mary's time with Elizabeth, herself pregnant with John the Baptist, the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, the birth of a baby boy in a manger in the stable of an inn in Bethlehem, these are all familiar ... to a greater or lesser degree.
So, as we celebrate Christmas, the birth of the God-child, Jesus Christ, with Trees and Tinsel and Turkey, with Presents and Pies and Port, we would do well to remind ourselves of that immense truth in John 3:16 "for God so loved the world that he gave his only son to the end that all that believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life".
Nicky and I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful, Joyful New Year.
Graham OsborneChurch Notes - December 2018
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the December 1918 magazine
Notes from the Belfry December 2018
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Building Project Update
As we begin Advent and count the days down to Christmas, preparations to deliver our Making History project continue apace. A more detailed update will be available in the New Year, but in the meantime, here is a brief round-up.
Design & Building Works
A preferred building contractor has been identified and negotiations are on-going in preparation for a presentation to the PCC, which met at the end of November.
We are grateful to the members of the fundraising team and performers who put on the Old Time Music Hall. Indeed, we would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the Making History campaign throughout 2018 and look forward to your continuing support next year.
The Project Team
P.S. Beautiful prints of the church are available for sale from the Cards for Good Causes shop in the Parish Church Hall until 15th December. Limited Edition Prints Steve Hall Watercolour Painting. Steve Hall is one of the most recognised artists in Britain today. He has a fondness for ‘wonderful old churches’ and has kindly painted St. Mary and St. Nicholas Church to raise funds for our Making History Project.
TIME FOR TEA - Friday 7 December 2.30pm till 4pm at Leatherhead Methodist Church
Christmas Special: The Swan Handbell Ringers will play Old Tyme and Christmas favourites.
All are Welcome - Come and enjoy fellowship and those sumptuous cakes.
Mothers' Union
Members and Friends please note there will be no meeting in December. Thank you all for being supportive and helpful throughout the year. Especially to Linda who manned our card stall at Martha's Market on a Friday.
Jane Summerfield
Poppy Appeal
After 34 years as Poppy Appeal Organisers we have decided to step down. The town collection on 10th November was £1,268.23 - a BIG THANK YOU.
We should like to thank everybody for their support in collecting and organising the Town Centre collections, for without you this would not have happened each year, so again - Thank you.
Derrick and Jane Summerfield
The following members of the congregation send CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to their local friends:
Sheila & Peter Ford, Angela Rive, Margaret Beams, Jill Rosser, Doug & Caroline Waters, Rosalind Corteen, Anne Thomson, Alison Wright & Chris Hodson, Di Gale, Pat & Eric Weetman, Janette & Roger Lynch.
The money they would have spent on cards and postage will now go to The Leatherhead Youth Project.
Leatherhead Celebrates 100 years on
Visitors to Leatherhead were treated to a spectacular celebration of the end of the First World War last month ahead of the Remembrance Sunday Service on 11th November.
The town echoed to the sound of The Surrey and Sussex Drum and Bugle Corps as the band marched around the town. The celebration was formally opened by the Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey, who spoke passionately about the thousands of lives sacrificed for our freedom. 10-year-old Maisy Blake's reading of John McCrae's poem "In Flanders Fields" was followed by four buglers sounding the last post, as red poppy petals fell silently to the ground.
The rest of the day recreated the celebration and community spirit, which followed the end of the First World War. There were traditional side show stalls, a Punch and Judy show, and live entertainment featuring old time musical performers, Arias from Edita Durrant, WW1 songs from Ashtead Choral Society, letters from the Front, poetry readings, and performances from young people from local dance and drama groups. Many of the town's shops decorated their windows with a poppy theme and WW1 themed artwork from local Leatherhead schools was displayed across the Swan Centre.
This centenary year of the Armistice an outdoor ecumenical Service of Remembrance was held at the Leatherhead War Memorial. The weather was kind, and support from local people was amazing!
Jane and Derrick Summerfield
What talent we have!! The Old Time Music Hall held on 16 November was a great success. An evening of wide ranging entertainment from comedy to classics was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. Grateful thanks to all who gave their time to take part. With just two rehearsals plus a dress rehearsal before the show, our Artistic Director, Luke Osborne, took a group of artists and created a professional show and we are so appreciative of his talents in the field of production.
It would be wrong to highlight any particular act and we know those who supported the event will recall the talent. However, we will mention two other people the show would not have succeeded without - Richard Price who accompanied everyone - no piece too simple or too difficult, and Graham Pountney as Master of Ceremonies - need we say more.
In addition to a wonderfully enjoyable evening of entertainment we were able to donate about £1,600 to our Making History appeal.
Martin Cole
Second Sunday Lunch
In December the Lunch will be on 2 December, as the Christingle Service is being held on Sunday 9 December.
To attend the lunch please contact me in good time (before Thursday 29 November). The Lunches are held in the Parish Church Hall at 12.30pm and cost £5 (including wine or a soft drink) per person. Telephone: L205720.
Sheila Cole
November 2018
The Assistant Curate writes ...
What’s it worth?
One of my favourite youth groups Ice Breakers is to ask young people what they would do with one million pounds. The game reveals a lot about values, priorities and altruism or the lack of it! What would you do? Make sure the kids are OK, pay off the mortgage, take a holiday, invest it for your pending retirement, give some away, how about - buy a painting?
As I write this article the news is full of a particular Banksy painting that ‘self destructed’. Girl with a balloon is one of Banksy’s most iconic images, and in September sold for one million pounds. It is, or rather was, housed in an ornate gold frame that gracefully hid the apparatus for shredding the artwork. The moment is captured on film. As the auctioneer slams his gavel on the desk, the picture slowly descends only to be seen emerging from beneath the frame in shreds.
Shock ripples through the auction room, hands are clasped to foreheads, mouths fall open in disbelief. One million pounds in shreds. Not sure any of my young people would have considered a work of art (shredded or not) worth one million pounds - not sure I do! I guess it’s all relative - it’s all about what it’s worth to you - spend it or keep it, ‘you can’t take it with you’, as the old saying goes.
Jesus told the story of a wealthy man, who year on year built on his wealth, luxuriated in the profit. Each year he needed a bigger storehouse to hold his increasing wealth. The story goes that the man says to himself that he should, ‘Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.’ “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ (Luke 12:16-21)
I think not. But what I want to suggest to you is that God does indeed have his eye on precious things. That precious thing is you. You are worth far more than one million pounds. God is interested in you. He is interested in the most precious, unique and wonderful thing you have to offer - your heart and your life.
You may have put yourself through the shredder but that doesn't matter to God. Look about at this world he has created - he is the master artist and he is always at work - even in you.
Grace and peace
Ian Stonehouse
Church Notes - November 2018
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the November 1918 magazine
Notes from the Belfry November 2018
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Building Project Update
I wonder how often you pop into church or walk around the church yard. As you can imagine members of the project team often have meetings or are accompanying suppliers, so lately we've been there much exciting is we've come to realise that even in its present condition church is not just for Sundays!
A wide variety of people pop in from one week to another. How wonderful when there are people to welcome these travellers or local residents and make their visit just a little more special. Equally our lives are enriched by their stories of connection or interest in something we show them.
Last month two sisters (one back from Australia) looking for the grave of a great great grandparent they were researching, had an amazing backstory to share. One of our older parishioners stopped by to rest in church before completing their walk home and of course, an army of flower arrangers spent the morning in church to decorate the church for our Harvest service.
It's our hope and prayer that the re-ordering project will encourage more people to drop-in, explore the heritage, find a moment of peace or participate in some of the social activities made possible with accessible toilets and kitchen.
Design & Building Works
With contractor tenders in, we move one step closer to fulfilling our objectives. The quantity surveyor is currently busy analysing the figures, making cost comparisons and speaking with suppliers.
Once this work is complete the project team will be in a position to recommend to the PCC its preferred supplier and the proposed scope of works given the funds available.
We've received some generous donations to our latest appeals, but still have some way to go to meet our funding target. As well as the Rector and wardens writing to all members of the electoral roll, the funding group has been busy contacting local businesses to encourage them to financially support the town's oldest building. Two more grant applications have also been submitted, but we won't receive responses until the Spring.
Exhibiting at the Mole Valley River Day we were able to demonstrate what an important haven of heritage and wildlife the churchyard represents. The day also provided an additional opportunity to promote the Making History project. It was lovely that Joe Crome and Emma Norman, our Leatherhead North councillors, dropped by to find out how the project is going.
Lastly, if you weren't at the Autumn Fayre, you will not have seen the beautiful Steve Hall prints of the church that we have available for sale. £15 for a print or £20 framed in a clip frame. These can be purchased from the Cards for Good Causes shop in the Parish Church Hall.
The big funding push will continue into 2019.
The Project Team
At precisely 6.55 in the evening our RBL bugler, Cliff, will be outside Church to play the Last Post, followed at 7.05 by the bells beginning to ring. This is a Nationwide event - not every Church will have a Bugler: we are just so fortunate that Cliff sees this as something very important and special.
Jane Summerfield
Mothers' Union
7th November - Poems and readings, and there will be a raffle.
5th December - Christmas tea, time for some fun.
All welcome - we meet in the Parish Church Hall, and meetings begin at 2.30pm.
On 20th November Members Meeting at St Giles Church 10am for 10.30. These are very interesting meetings and a chance to meet other Members from around the Dioceses. If you are able to come, please speak to Jane.
Jane Summerfield
Second Sunday Lunch
As the second Sunday in November is Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday Lunch in November will be on 4th.
And in December the Lunch will be on 2 December, as the Christingle Service is being held on Sunday 9 December.
So, in a sense, Christmas will be early this year! To attend either or both lunches please contact me in good time (before the Thursday). The Lunches are held in the Parish Church Hall at 12.30pm and cost £5 (including wine or a soft drink) per person.
Telephone: L205720
Sheila Cole
Ven Arthur Siddall's Golden Jubilee of his Ordination - to see a fuller photo report than possible in the magazine, please click here
Arthur was an Honorary Assistant Priest in the parish team from March 1991 to April 1996 and was particularly associated with All Saints. He studied for an M.Sc. at Surrey University and lectured at Roehampton. Sue, who died in 2015, worked with Surrey Social Services. Arthur has many links with Leatherhead, especially with St John's, attended by Mark and Jenny Siddall.
A massive thank you to all the volunteers who put so much effort into our Parish Autumn Fayre in October.
Big thanks too for all our customers for coming along to help us raise such valuable funds.
We made approximately £3,800!
Alex Hearley
Making History for the next 1000 years
A stupendous, amazing & surprising evening of music and laughter
Friday 16th November 7:30pm Parish Church Hall!, Leatherhead
TICKETS £15 Available from L375802 or L205720 or the Parish office.
Interval drink and nibbles
Oli Bell is moving on from LYP
We would like to share some news with you. Oli Bell, the current General Manager of LYP, will be moving on at the end of this year.
Oli has been working at LYP for over six years, starting as a youth worker, moving up to senior youth worker, and then taking over the running of the organisation in December 2017. In the last year as General Manager, Oli has overseen a restructure and has grown the organisation, employing a Bookham youth worker and a funding and administration officer.
The current team of nine permanent staff regularly support over 600 young people in Leatherhead, Bookham and across Mole Valley, helping young people to navigate adolescence well and providing opportunities for them to grow and develop.
Oli is making a career change and will be going to work for the South East Coast Ambulance Service and training to become a paramedic. Oli is sad to leave LYP but is excited about this change in his life, and the Board is committed to seeing LYP continue to thrive as it has done under Oli’s leadership.
Rob Stevens, Acting Chairman of the LYP Board of Directors has issued the following statement on behalf of the LYP Board:
The LYP Board of Directors would like to inform you that Oli Bell, our General Manager, has resigned and will be leaving the charity in December to take up a position to train with the South East Coast Ambulance service as a paramedic. We are delighted that Oli has this opportunity to change his career and we are keen to see Oli flourish in this new adventure. The Board is aware that Oli has held an extremely important role for LYP over the last year and he will be greatly missed by the staff, our funders, the Directors and most importantly the young people. The Directors are reviewing the impact of Oli’s departure on LYP, discussing how best to lead LYP forward, while ensuring we continue to provide a transformative service to the young people of Leatherhead, Bookham and Mole Valley.
LYP has been delivering transformative work amongst young people for over 13 years and the Board of Directors and the staff are committed to ensuring we continue supporting the young people of Leatherhead, Bookham and Mole Valley for many years to come. We look forward to your continued support in this vital task.
Romania trip
This summer a group of 8 young people from Leatherhead and Bookham took part in a life changing trip to Romania to run summer activities for a community of gypsy children in the village of Soard.
The team had a packed week that included lots of sports, craft activities, a trip to the zoo with 70 children, and helping with the local feeding programme. The trip was the fifth time that LYP has run a trip to Romania with a group of young leaders. Many of the young people who came had never experienced such poverty and it was a real eye opener to the opportunities they have at home.
Welcome Jenny!
In August we welcomed Jenny to the team. Having grown up locally and just graduated from Moorlands College, Jenny has a real passion for local youth work. She has taken on the role of Bookham lead youth worker and will be leading the Bookham project, developing activities and projects to support young people in the schools, community and churches in Bookham.
LYP are thrilled to have Jenny as part of the team, she’s a wonderful addition and is already leading all our youth work in Bookham. Next time you are in AllSaints Coffee Shop do say hi.
This year we are taking a leaf out of Mickleham's book and using the Magazine "Christmas Card" as a means of raising funds for charity. If readers would like to send Christmas greetings to their local friends by way of the magazine and donate the money saved on cards and postage to charity, please ensure that Jane Andrews (Parish Office) has the details and your donation by Wednesday 7 November. The charge is £5 per person (£10 per couple). Proceeds will go to Leatherhead Youth Project.
October 2018
The Children & Families Worker writes ...
October 2018 Leader
Who is the ultimate disciple? This is the question that the disciples were arguing about in Luke chapter nine when Jesus overheard them and had to (again) teach them what it is to be a disciple of His. Is this a question you have asked yourself? Is this a question we should ask ourselves? Is this the overall aim of being a Christian; to be the ultimate disciple?
I believe the answer to all these questions could be "yes", with a caveat to remembering that the aim is to become more and more like Jesus, not to be better people in our own strength. That's what we are exploring in our sermon series this term at the parish church -what are the qualities of being a disciple? I've outlined a couple of the qualities here for us to think about this month.
1) To be a passionate worshipper. What does this mean? This means that everything I do, I do for the glory of God. What an awesome statement! And not strictly true either. I hope that this will one day be the case, however I am often ashamed of some behaviour I have shown, or some words I have said, or thoughts unuttered but definitely meant - thank God for forgiveness! Worship in the Bible isn't just singing, isn't just confined to church - it's all behaviour, all words, all of you. I wonder what worship looks like in your life at the moment?
2) Lifelong learner. In my last church we were challenged as a staff team to read through the Bible every year as a way of getting to know the Word, getting to know the big story of the Bible. It was a challenge, definitely, but made me so aware of how each book in the Bible links to the others, the story of each person so interwoven with the others - there's a giant story woven in between the pages and I am a part of that story! When I realised that there was a purpose and a part for me to play there too, that was amazing. Other ways we can learn is through other people, through ways in which we spend our time, through studying other people's understanding and descriptions of what they believe - all coming together to help us to learn more about Jesus, more about our God. I wonder what your "lifelong learning" looks like this month?
3) Fervent pray-er
Other words for "fervent" in the thesaurus are: avid, eager, enthusiastic, passionate, zealous, fanatical, intense, vehement, heated - I have a question for you: when did you last feel any of these things for prayer? For chatting to your God in heaven? For communicating with Jesus? If you haven't ever felt this, or felt this recently, I beg you to pray this through with someone, or to at least chat it through with a trusted, Christian friend. I must admit, I don't see that passion for prayer here very often, and more often the passion is exerted about what someone else has done wrong or the way the hymns are being led, but not often about prayer.
What is it about prayer that makes us become indifferent? What is it about life that tends to lead us away from prayer and towards other ways to survive/cope? In his book "God on Mute" Pete Greig talks about how his wife is suffering (and still suffers) with epilepsy and no matter how much they have prayed about it, she still hasn't been physically healed from this. What does this mean? Does this mean that God doesn't care? That He's not listening? That He wants to heal her but can't? That He can heal her but doesn't want to? That there is pain, injustice and disease in the world but that one day all this will be restored to the way that God intended his world to be?
Jesus continually goes to places by himself to pray in the Bible, to get away from the pressures and demands of this world, and leans into God. I wonder what you feel "fervent" about at the moment, and how this is working itself out in your prayer life?
Do come and explore these and other topics with us at church, we would love to see you!
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him to glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever. Amen!" Ephesians 3:20-21
Holly Barton
Church Notes - October 2018Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the October 1918 magazine
Notes from the Belfry October 2018
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Building Project Update
Design & Building Works
September was a relatively quiet month for the Making History team when it comes to design and building works.
We were waiting for the contract tenders to arrive. By the time you read this we expect to have reviewed submissions and shortlisted a contractor for PCC approval. Even more significant, our costings will move from being budgetary to actual pricing.
Two strong summer fundraising events raised £17,000, but we recognise we are still short of our target funding total.
Now the whole of Faculty One has been granted by the Chancellor, we are applying for eligible grants. We have split the project into two phases. The immediate priority is to raise a further £95,000 (still on a budgetary figure) from local people and businesses, so that we can place a contract for Phase A: replacement of flooring, heating, lighting and audio-visual system.
A further £225,000 (again budgetary) will be needed early in 2019 if Phase B for the toilets and kitchen are to follow while the developers remain on site. Grant applications submitted this Autumn will be awarded in Spring 2019, but it is extremely unlikely that we can raise all the funds needed via this route.
An extraordinary meeting of the PCC took place on 9th September where in principal it was agreed that loans and legacy promises from the congregation and the electoral roll would be invited to fill the short-term funding gap. Revd Graham and the wardens have since written to members of the electoral roll.
If any readers would like to explore loan or legacy options for the Making History project, please contact the wardens or a member of the fundraising team.
Other ways you can continue to support the Making History project are to attend fundraising events - the next one is an Old Time Musical on Friday 15th November - or how about partnering with extended family, leisure or hobby groups, or your employer to sponsor a flagstone? 100 flagstones between now and Christmas could raise £25,000 and is a charitable way to celebrate life or promote a business.
The remodelling of our much loved church underpins all of our plans to expand our ministry and pastoral care to local families and those who are socially isolated. So please pray and do anything you can to help this project come to fruition.
The Project Team
Mothers' Union
At our last meeting we were privileged to have Gail and Roger Partridge showing a file and talking about their trip to Egypt. We were warned that this was four hours long - but they reduced the time to 40 minutes, so we are able to book them next year for the next phase.
Thank you both.
3rd October - Sylvia Taylor, a Deanery Trustee, will be coming along to share her experience whilst in Uganda.
All are welcome to our meetings: we begin at 2.30pm and generally say good bye at about 4 pm.
Jane Summerfield
Drivers please
Life can be quite hard if you don't drive and you need to get to hospital or surgery appointments. You don't like to keep calling on your long-suffering friends, and a taxi can cost up to £60 when you include waiting time.It's at such a time that you appreciate the Leatherhead and District Voluntary Car Service.
They must enjoy it, because many of the drivers in the Car Service have been doing it for many years, often after they retire from full time work. It's vital for the future of the service that more people volunteer to join the group.
Drivers are called on once a week at most, at a time of their own choosing (if you can't do it you say so) and enjoy a get-together lunch about four times a year.
We hope the old myths about Fairtrade wine being “terrible" are long behind us, with many Fairtrade wines both award-winningly delicious and widely available on supermarket shelves.
But have you heard about Fairtrade wine from Lebanon? This week Will has written about the wonderful story of how Fairtrade grapes have transformed the region of North Bekaa from illicit poppy and cannabis production to a safe and flourishing industry for local farmers.
The vibrant and fiercely proud Lebanese wine industry has also enabled many refugees to find new opportunities for themselves and their families. “I felt like I was doing a dirty job and I constantly lived in fear. Many think the hashish business is easy and profitable, but this is untrue. Now, finally, I can have peace of mind. Growing grapes is more lucrative and leaves you with a clean conscience,” says Walid Habchi, Member of Heliopolis Cooperative.
The wine, Coteaux les Cedres, is the first in Lebanon and the Middle East is the first in Lebanon and the Middle East to have both Fairtrade and Organic certifications, and you can pick your up in your local Co-op.
We’ll raise a glass to that!
Harriet, Supporter Team, Fairtrade Foundation
On Monday morning, 2 September, members of the Foundation went to Parliament with friends from Global Justice Now, Sum of Us, and War on Want to hand in their petition to the House of Lords.
Together they handed in 67,027 signatures asking Peers to amend the Trade Bill to include a democratic and transparent process for negotiating our future trade deals.
They will be keeping a close watch when the Lords discuss the Bill on 11 September. The hope is that Peers will amend the Bill as it progresses through the House of Lords, and that the government will accept the Foundation’s arguments for trade democracy. The Foundation will let us know.
Margaret Jones
September 2018
The Licensed Lay Minister writes ...
September 2018 Parish Magazine Leader
I have never attended a music festival and I probably never will but last week I did something similar. I spent a week camping with about 12,000 other people, sharing portable loos and showers, attending various different events, eating outside, basking in glorious heat and sunshine and sheltering from torrential, tropical style rainfall. I have to admit that I was in a caravan and so in dry comfort compared to many. There was lots of loud music; babies wearing ear protectors were a common sight! What surprised me were the times of utter peace and serenity that were also to be found amongst this melee of people.
I was attending the Christian conference New Wine at the South West Showground near Shepton Mallet. It is the last year the conference will be held in that venue as after 30 years New Wine is moving north to the East Show Ground in Peterborough. There was a small group of us from the Parish Church, one of whom has been there since it all started 30 years ago.
It was refreshing to be in the company of so many people, of all ages, all backgrounds, yet all united by their Christian faith. Refreshing to be in queues where people turned and chatted to complete strangers, didn't try and jump the queues, didn't complain about having to queue and smiled even when it was raining. Wonderful to see mobile phones left in the loo block being handed into Lost Property and even notes from seminars carefully placed in envelopes and taken to lost property in the hope they would be reunited with their author. There was a great sense of community and family, as you would expect and hope for from a Christian gathering.
I wonder if all the 12,000 people returning home will continue to experience that sense of community and family. I hope that as Christians they will continue to act as caring, responsible members of their local communities. Paul in the book of Acts tells us that the early Church lived in community, "All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.'' Acts 2:42-47
Plenty of people chose to live in communities today, both religious and secular communities. With house prices and rental costs proving prohibitive to many the appeal of communal living is attractive to the prohibitive to many the appeal of communal living is attractive to the young and old alike. Even if we choose not to live in a community in the sense of co-housing we can live in a community as members of the early Church did. As we experienced at New Wine we can live in harmony together, look out for the weakest among us, care for the elderly and the sick and share all that we have, and we can do all that here in our local community, without the need to live on a campsite or in a tent.
How good and pleasant it is when God's people live in unity!
Psalm 133:1
Sally Milner
Church Notes - September 2018
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the September 1918 magazine
Notes from the Belfry September 2018
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Building Project Update
Design & Building Works
The digging of the test pits in the church and outside in the area of the annexe has been completed. The archaeologist's report has been received and has highlighted a number of possible tombs under the floor of the church. A brick tomb with a domed top has also been found under the floor of the Lady Chapel. The excavation of the floor of the church will have to be undertaken with great care under the supervision of an archaeologist. The archaeologists report suggests that nothing was found which is likely to impede the implementation of the works as planned.
A design solution to implement wheelchair access to the chancel by lowering the concrete slab, where the Parker organ previously stood, has the tacit approval of the DAC and archaeologists. The reinstatement of the Parker organ will now be at chancel floor level.
An official Public Notice was posted outside church on 26th July with regard to the re-ordering and renovation of St Mary & St Nicholas Parish Church. The main Faculty, which covers the entirety of the project with the exception of the Tower Rooms was subsequently submitted to the Registry on 8th August for the Chancellor's consideration.
The calls for tender for the construction contract were sent out to five companies at the beginning of August. Having extended the tender return date by three weeks (at the request of the bidding contractors), tender submissions will now be with us the third week of September. Once a contractor has been identified, and trusting that we receive the Chancellor's approval, we envisage starting on site in late October.
While the summer saw several excellent fundraising events (Read about Hedley Kay's very successful musical evening lbelow), we still need to raise substantial additional funds if we are to complete all the renovations and improvements detailed within the main Faculty.
The funding team would love to hear if you know of any other potential untapped sources of finance. Please renew your efforts to promote flagstone dedications to families and friends, who have connections past and present with the church - such a lovely way to remember a marriage, baptism, or other special occasion for generations to come!
We continue to share our plans with the wider community on the first Saturday of each month in the Swan Centre (sign up to be part of this team) and will be at the River Mole Discovery Day on 30th September.
The Project Team
Hedley and Friends Musical Evening
Hedley Kay had many parishioners and old friends in the audience for his sell out musical evening in the Parish Church Hall on July 20th. This was very much a community event of wonderful, relaxed entertainment, raising funds for the Making History Project.
Those just used to hearing Hedley in church would have been surprised at the variety of his music, gathered over many years as a folk singer and entertainer. There was "A Nightingale sang..", Irish ("The Mountains of Mourne"), a Welsh Lullaby (Suo Gan), Cliff Richard ("Please don't tease"), Elvis ("Can't help falling in love"), Sinatra ("I have been a Rover"). With local additions, such as when Hedley realised Veronica was the one for him, outside the "Running Horse"!)
When not singing on his own, Hedley was joined by Chris Stagg (drums), Doug Waters (keyboard), Dave Greenwood (bass), Angela Rive (flute), and Alison Draper (recorder). Jay Bristow gave him a rest, with his keyboard and excellent rendering of songs such as "Day Dream Believer", - and also providecTthe sound system. Beverley Mehta and Alison Draper provided flowers and Martin Cole greenery.
Members of the audience surprised (but delighted) to be invited on to the stage were Dave (Dutch) Holland and Dick Quinnell, who sang a lurid folk tale of a local woman!.
Mention must also be made of the female vocal backing group "The Pussycat Dolls" (Jane Haslam, Angela Rive, Alison Draper, and Veronica Kay) who ably contributed to the final songs of the evening!
Star of the kitchen was Linda Hauxwell, who made 80% of the lasagne and 100% of the pavlovas! Very many thanks to all who made this event special....
Alison Wright
Sincerest thanks to everyone who supported the "Hedley and friends..." musical event on 20th July by their attendance, and also to those who provided food, music, and assistance to make the whole evening such a great success!
Over one hundred and twenty guests from the Parish and surrounding areas came and enjoyed the evening and, thanks to some spontaneous generous donations, plus ticket sales and raffle, £4,355.00 was raised in total.
Thank you!
Hedley Kay
Journey's End
“A major emotional experience" was how one parishioner described Graham Pountney's recent splendid production of R.C. Sheriff's "Journey's End".
The tensions and conflicting emotions during four days in a dugout in 1918 came across with forceful clarity in this anti-war classic.
We saw it in the theatre of St. John's School, before it transferred to the Leatherhead Theatre, and the close proximity of the action made it even more moving and dramatic. The characters were all excellently played, with complete credibility, and we shared their helplessness in face of the pointless loss of life.
Proceeds from the play go to support the Royal British Legion, SSAFA, and Combat Stress. Moving contributions from these charities reminded us that the armed services still have to cope with the traumas and suffering that war brings. The events R.C. Sherriff depicts came even closer to home when we learnt that he lived in Esher and served in the East Surrey Regiment in the Ypres Salient until 1917 when he was wounded in the battle of Passchendaele.
Alison Wright
AUTUMN FAYRE Saturday 13th October 2018
Opens 12 noon Grand raffle draw 2.30pm
Leatherhead Parish Church Hall
Church Road, Leatherhead, KT22 8BD
Entry: Adult £1 Children entry: Free
12 noon - BBQ outside Cafe - Afternoon Tea Leatherhead Trinity School Choir Fun stalls
Bargains to be had
Can you donate some items? We are looking for winter coats, soft toys for our new Teddy Tombola stall, DVDs, unused Beauty items, chocolate, bric-a-brac, jewellery, accessories, bottles of wine, complete toys and items for the tombola - all in good, clean condition. Collection boxes for donations will be in the Parish Hall at the start of October.
Thank you for your support.August 2018
The Rector writes ...
No it was not a holiday
No, it was not a holiday but, yes, it was a time of refreshment and renewal.
I have just spent three days in a conference centre in Derbyshire - at the Triennial Clergy Conference of the Diocese of Guildford. Three days spent in the company of my fellow clergy, some of whom have been ordained for forty years or more, some for only three days-those ordained Deacon the previous Sunday.
The conference had an overarching theme - "Traces of Grace" - and its purpose was to:
We were treated to a rich variety of speakers and presenters, ranging from practical applications and handicraft, through high fibre Bible study, inspirational devotional poetry and passionate challenge, to a one-man tour de force that took us from the almost extinct 600-strong tribe of homo sapiens in a rift valley in Africa to the furthest borders of our Solar System ... and beyond.
- meet, eat, worship, pray, have fun, learn and relax together s feed ourselves in body, mind and spirit
- be enriched, enlivened and stretched
- look out for traces of God's grace
There was an undercurrent in all of the sessions of the need to cross borders in order to grow - personal, physical, geographical, cultural, spiritual. The most challenging was from the Bishop of Burnley, Philip North, who reminded us that the Church of England is called to have a "bias to the poor". He named the new heresy, the heresy of "Declinism". The church is not in decline, he declaimed, it is growing day by day, but not necessarily in this country.
He went on to assert that revival or renewal would inevitably come, just because Jesus Christ is Lord ... and that it would come from the poor. When I regularly took my youth group in Gloucester to the Soul Survivor Christian youth conference, its founder and leader, Mike Pilivachi, used to call us to minister to "the last, the least, the lost and the lonely".
Bishop Philip encouraged us all to seek new leaders among them, to offer what was needed in the way of service to them and, whilst doing so, to proclaim the Word of God. He characterised the ultimate deprivation as not having heard the Good News of God's love for God's creation - one beggar telling another where to find bread.
We were privileged to have another speaker at the conference, the Revd Dr Malcolm Guite. Malcolm is a song-writer, poet-priest and Chaplain of Girton College. Throughout the conference he read poems that he had written that were inspired by the church's year, the sayings of Jesus, the parables and much more. In the light of Bishop Philip's call to action, I would like to share with you this poem of Malcolm's:
First and lastThe first shall be last, the last the first.
You make rich havoc of our sense of place,As every strain of status is reversed.
With one swift look of love, your sacred face
Outfaces us. Disgrace is met with grace,
And blessings fall on those we call accursed.Strive as they might, the swift don't win the race,But still the cup is full for those who thirst.
What is this, then, we say to one another,Planning careers and doling status out,
Ranging ourselves and others on the ladder,With fanfares for the climber with the clout?Best drop our trumpets, still our banging drumsAnd listen for your welcome, when it comes.
Graham Osborne
Church Notes - August 2018Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the August 1918 magazine
Notes from the Belfry August 2018
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Building Project Update
Design & Building Works
As some of you will have noticed, work in the church has now started.
The Parker Organ has been dismantled, removed to a position in the choir where it has been encased in timber to protect it from mechanical damage and dust ingress whilst the enabling and major works are in progress. This work started on 3rd July and will last approximately two weeks to completion.
As described last month we have an arch deacon's licence to carry out the enabling works which involves test pits in the nave of the church.
The ground penetrating radar indicated some areas of disturbed ground at a depth which we will have to excavate to put in the underfloor heating and the new stone floor, and this must be investigated in the presence of an archaeologist. Plus we need to determine the foundations of the church both inside and outside in the location of the toilet annexe. The enabling work was scheduled to commence mid July and if all goes to schedule will be complete later this month. We have been allowed to temporally remove up to five pews from the church so that we can move other pews around to facilitate the digging of the test pits.
Faculty 1
The main Faculty which will cover the entirety of the project with the exception of the Tower Rooms is being prepared. All the necessary documents and drawings have been approved by the DAC and the notification of petition will be posted in due course.
The architect has prepared documents and these form the request for tenders from interested contractors. By the time you read this, these should have been available for our scrutiny and approval. This will lead to a process of contractor selection which will hopefully allow the start on the major works in the church by late September/early October subject to funding.
Grant Funding We continue to look for further sources of funding for toilets and kitchen.
Sponsored Abseil It was great to have so much community involvement in the Sponsored Abseil. We are truly appreciative of the thirty six people who dared to abseil down the church tower as well as all the people who worked behind the scenes to make the day so enjoyable.
We are hoping that the event will raise something in the region of £10,000.
The Project Team
Mother's Union
Thanks to Myfanwy, our speaker from Leatherhead Start, who showed us a DVD of the inside of the home which has been decorated and looks brilliant and gave a talk on how things are run these days. Most interesting.
1st August Please note THERE WILL BE NO MEETING ON THIS DATE - have a good Summer break.
9th August Thursday 11am/3pm Summer Party including meet the candidates at Normandy Village Hall. This will be a fun day with lots to do especially for children.
5th September Gail Partridge will be giving a talk on one of her many trips. Gail is always very interesting and a pleasure to listen to. We will be holding a bring and buy stall.
Please do come to any of our meetings: they begin at 2.30pm, and everyone is more than welcome.
Date for your diaries: 10/12 October Autumn Retreat - East Molesey. Further details to follow.
Jane Summerfield
Abseilers triumph!
A lot of them said that their knees were like jelly when they touched the ground. Most of them said that the hardest bit was getting their leg over the parapet, and all of them looked thrilled (and relieved) to have done it!
36 brave abseilers climbed the spiral steps inside the 67 foot tower of the parish church on Saturday 30th June, and lowered themselves down the outside in aid of the Making History Project.
The abseilers included both residents, churchgoers, and others who work in the town. Chairman of Mole Valley District Council, Raj Haque, also took part. Patrick Gardner, the estate agents, were well represented, together with the landlords of the Edmund Tylney, the Duke's Head, and the Plough. Ed Vanson of Surrey Hills Community Radio, and the Community Relations Manager at W.A.Truelove & Son also gave up their time to participate.
Quite a few of those taking part were averse to heights and admitted that it took a great effort to climb over the narrow gap and start their descent.
At the time of going to press not all the money has been collected in, but it is hoped that £10,000 will be raised for the Making History Project. No-one is likely to exceed the individual total raised by Jill Goodchild, who achieved over £2,200. "I have had some very generous sponsors," said Jill, who was the oldest abseiler taking part.
The whole event was organised by Ian and Beverley Stonehouse, along with Holly Barton and a host of volunteers - a real community effort!
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Sue Roberts was one of the older members of the congregation to conquer the tower
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Suzi Ezzard was one of those who conquered their fear of heights
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Hedley Kay focussing on getting his technique right
Alison Wright
Meat pies, tinned fruit, tinned vegetables, powdered milk, shampoo, shaving gel/foam, tinned meat, washing up liquid, ketchup, brown sauce, tinned spaghetti, tinned fish, jam/honey.
July 2018
The Assistant Curate writes ...
Have you been wondering whether western civilisation is on the brink of collapse?
If so, you're in good company. According to a recent article in New Scientist magazine "scientists, historians and politicians alike are warning that... [current] cycles of inequality and resource use are heading for a tipping point that in many past civilisations precipitated political unrest, war and collapse".
The article describes the role that extreme inequality played in the decline of previous civilisations, before quoting a recent report (from Credit Suisse, no less) that the world's richest 1% now owns more than 50% of the world's wealth. It also describes how a mathematician, Safa Motesharrei, has modelled the ruinous impact on a civilisation when extreme inequality coincides with the rapid depletion of natural resources. If his model proves accurate, it could be time for us all to head for the hills.
Others argue that the death knell has been sounded for western civilisation many times before. Maybe, just maybe, the startling pace of technological innovation will bail us out of our present predicaments, and normal progress can be resumed.
And yet, even if our civilisation manages to muddle through somehow, western Christians must surely ask themselves searching questions in light of the challenges our society faces: Have we become seduced by an over-confidence in the onward march of progress? How would our faith cope with an abrupt shift into reverse gear? How robust is our belief that God, not progress, is the ultimate source of hope (Romans 15:13), and that Christ, not the complex configuration of an advanced society, holds all things together (Colossians 1:17)?
Whether for individuals or an entire civilisation, the threat of losing what is familiar, secure, and seemingly indestructible can unmask Christian faith to be little more than naive optimism. It also opens up wonderful opportunities for faith to become rooted in something, or someone, far more robust and real.
And even if our civilisation really is under unbearable strain, we take comfort from the fact that Jesus didn't shy away from tough talk to his disciples about tough times ahead (Matthew 24). He instilled in them, through his life, death, and resurrection, a love and a hope that changed the world even as their own world crumbled around them.
Following their example, and trusting the same Lord, we too can stand in the face of an uncertain future ... and not flinch.
Grace and peace to you.
Ian Stonehouse
Church Notes - July 2018
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the July 1918 magazine
Notes from the Belfry July 2018
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Building Project Update
Design & Building Works
Stage 1: Since the last report we have received a temporary special licence from the Chancellor to carry out the exploratory works outlined last month, with the exception of those relating to the Parker organ.
The Chancellor insisted that the movement and storage of the Parker organ must be the subject of a Faculty. The documents for the Faculty were submitted on 11th July and we await the Chancellor's decision. The plan is to dismantle the organ and then re-erect it on the lower chancel step behind the arch, so that it can be protected from mechanical and dust damage whilst the main work is carried out. Work will not start in the church until the organ is protected.
Stage 2: The papers, which will allow us to submit the Faculty for the main construction contract, are being sent to us for completion in the near future.
The specifications for the works are now prepared and the tender documents are in preparation. Tenders could be issued to prospective contractors by mid July.
Project Update Meeting
At the time of writing the project update meeting in June had not yet occurred. We will share any notable discussions in next month's update.
Grant Funding
The focus this month has been on preparing a detailed submission to Garfield Weston for it's 60th Anniversary Fund, which unusually is targeted at capital projects. Competition will inevitably be enormous, but we hope the work our church undertakes to keep our community connected will be recognised with a grant toward the costs of building the toilet annexe and/or kitchen.
Open Garden
Visitors enjoyed a leisurely Sunday afternoon admiring a beautiful Fetcham garden on 10th June. Thanks to the hosts, cake-makers, raffle prize donors, and visitors over £1,000 was raised to be shared between our Making History project and the Teazle Wood Trust.
Fundraising Lunch
Our thanks go to Suki and Graham for hosting a fundraising lunch for on 17th June (see church newsletter for amount raised).
We would encourage readers to run their own small fundraising event for family and friends over the summer. A simple BBQ, picnic or lunch help to spread the word and add to our fundraising efforts.
Sponsored Abseil
At the time of going to press £2,263 had already been raised online via BTDonate!
You can look forward to a full update in next month's magazine. However, our thanks go to all the volunteers who made the day possible and the abseilers for their amazing fundraising efforts.
Other Promotional Events
You may have seen members of the fundraising team and the PCC out and about promoting the Making History project and encouraging people to our various summer fundraising events. This included Ashstead Village Day and the charity cart in Leatherhead Swan Centre. If you could offer an hour or two to help on the charity cart on 7th July, 4th August or 1st September please speak to Chris Evans or Beverley Stonehouse.
You are warmly invited to a "Hedley Kay and friends...." musical evening in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall on Friday 20th July 2018. Doors open at 7pm.
Tickets are £15 which will include a delicious two-course supper after which you will be entertained with songs and music of different genres and eras.
All proceeds from the evening will go to the Making History Project"which will prepare our ancient church (already in existence for almost 1000 years) for the next 1000 years by providing facilities for services and activities for the whole population of Leatherhead and beyond for their benefit, comfort and enjoyment!
Tickets are available from the Parish Office (L362544) or from Martin Cole and Hedley.
You are invited to spend a summer evening in the historic setting of Leatherhead Parish church (St Mary & St Nicholas)Take a guided tour of the Church - past, present and future -Enjoy a rare opportunity to ascend the Bell TowerDelight in panoramic views of Leatherhead and the beautiful Surrey HillsMingle with local residents over a glass of Pimm's and a bowl of strawberries7pm - 9.30pm Friday 6th July 2018 & Wednesday 11th July 2018All local residents and invited guests are welcome. RSVP to reserve your tour of the Bell Tower as places are limited
Mother's Union
Somehow wires got crossed and our Speaker from Besom didn't arrive, but I'm glad to say all the things you brought to go into six washing up bowls have been collected by a Besom volunteer.
So a big thank you to the 11 members that contributed.
On 4th July we are looking forward to having someone from "Leatherhead Start" who will bring a short DVD.
We will also have a raffle.
All are welcome to our meetings which begin at 2.30pm in the Parish Church Hall. Tea is always on the menu.
Jane Summerfield
GDPR - please be ready to respond
We are checking with those who hold personal information related to activities in our church life to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. We will also be providing a Privacy Policy and seeking consent about how we may contact you. Our approach is based on the Diocesan Guidelines. The purpose of all this is to ensure the information you have provided in various ways to enable the smooth and effective running of the parish is properly and securely held: that the what and why about your information is explained and that your rights are made clear to you. If you have any questions please contact Frank Haslam L379341.
Christian Aid Week 2018
Thank you to the many who returned a Christian Aid donation in an envelope provided at the start of Christian Aid Week. In total £344 has been sent to Christian Aid. This increases to £414 when those of you who Gift Aided are factored in. If you still have an envelope and wish to contribute, please send it directly to the Christian Aid address on it.
Frank Haslam, Christian Aid
Poppy Appeal
Church Members have always supported the work of the Royal British Legion by way of the Poppy Appeal.
We would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to all of you.
I am writing to inform our readers that after 36 years Derrick and I will be giving up after the 2018 appeal. If there is anyone who would be interested in taking on this role or would like to find out more then please phone Derrick or myself. Derrick is prepared to continue helping with the wreaths.
Jane Summerfield
Leatherhead Youth Project - a success we should celebrate
An idea was raised in 1997 by Claire Gannon, the Churches Together in Leatherhead (CTiL) Youth Worker. She recognised that there was a need for somewhere, drug and alcohol free, where the young people of Leatherhead could meet, interact and grow in a safe environment with a Christian ethos.
The first meeting of CTiL and Mole Valley District Council to discuss setting up what was to become a drop-in youth cafe eventually took place in 2000. A series of meetings followed which culminated in the Charitable Company "Leatherhead Youth Project Ltd" being set up in July 2002, with four member organisations: three Churches in Leatherhead (the Parish Church, the United Reformed Church, and the Methodist Church), with the fourth member being Mole Valley District Council.
Finding suitable premises was a real problem and after a couple of false starts, where landlords refused permission to set up the drop-in centre on their premises, a proposal for using All Saints Hall was drafted in May 2003 and presented to the PCC for St Mary & St Nicholas Church. The proposals were accepted and the necessary agreements & licences etc. put in place by July 2004.
Much work was done to create a space which would be welcoming to young people, a youth cafe manager, Andy Gill, employed, and BFree was officially opened for business in April 2005, on Grand National Saturday.
Initial up take by young people was patchy and behaviour a real challenge. Andy battled on, setting boundaries and enforcing the rules of BFree, and eventually behaviour began to improve as the young people learned to appreciate what was being provided. Additional activities outside BFree were introduced, including trips to London, to football matches, and cycling around Norbury Park.
It was soon obvious that additional staff were required and over the thirteen years that LYP has been operating it has been blessed to have had some amazing outstanding youth workers to look after our young people. Their deep Christian beliefs shine through as they are always willing to go the extra distance to provide care, mentoring, and support to help the young people along that difficult path into adult life. Many of these young people arrive at BFree with low self-esteem, even lower self-confidence, and little in the way of expectations for their adult life. The care and support delivered by the youth workers helps to build self-esteem and confidence and to help the young people plan out a path to a level of achievement beyond their expectations.
It became clear however, that there were some young people who needed even more help to get them fit for a work. A plan was hatched to set up a coffee shop staffed by apprentices who would be trained in food preparation and hygiene and serving customers. Additional space was needed for the coffee shop and the PCC agreed that LYP could take over the remaining area of All Saints Church to set up and run a Social Enterprise. The Social Enterprise was launched in May 2014 and All Saints Coffee Shop was opened to the public in October 2014. Since then, with fantastic support from local businesses, All Saints has trained a number of apprentices who have successfully gone on to be gainfully employed, using the skills and work ethic given to them by the All Saints and LYP teams.
LYP and All Saints have been recognised in Surrey, the South East, and further afield as being shining examples of how youth work should be delivered. This recognition has included awards from the High Sheriff of Surrey, The Leatherhead Chamber of Commerce, and Surrey Youth Showcase, culminating in LYP receiving a royal visit to BFree, in February 2017, from his Royal Highness Prince Edward. This was wonderful recognition of the hard work put in by many people for nearly twenty years, to establish and run a hugely successful and highly regarded youth charity.
However, from a personal perspective, having been Chairman of LYP from initially establishing the charitable company, through until March this year, the greatest satisfaction I have received is watching the progress made by the young people. To see how they grow and develop, exceeding their own expectations and, in a number of cases, also coming to know and love Jesus Christ. While LYP was set up by three Churches and run with a Christian ethos, this is not forced upon the young people.
LYP uses a continuum to slowly and carefully introduce the young people to faith, firstly through conversation and experience, then as their appetite increases through alpha type courses and cell groups. This gentle approach has seen success which can be highlighted by the numbers of young people who, having passed through BFree now come back, freely giving up their time, to volunteer as young leaders.
Everyone in the Leatherhead Churches should be extremely proud of what they have helped to develop in LYP and the great youth work which is being delivered. We should all give our wholehearted support to LYP and All Saints, keeping them in our prayers, drinking the great coffee, eating the fantastic cakes and contributing financially, when we can, to ensure the good work is continued.
Doug Waters, Chairman LYP 2002 - 2018
Remembrance of Dennis (1926-2018) and Daphne Burfoot (1928-2018) - see via see via Remembrance pages
June 2018
The Children & Families Worker writes ...
The Leader - Parish magazine, June 2018
Children and Families Development Worker - what a title! I have been trying to work out what this actually means for our church family for the past 13 months, and it is not the simplest of roles. Starting firstly with the bump last April who has now become a joyous one-year-old, then meeting families in and around Leatherhead who decided to either keep returning to church or begin attending because of our provision, proved to be the easiest part! For the coming year, however, the vision is to develop this into a sustainable and resourced ministry for families here; quite a big job. I feel like Gideon - the smallest and youngest member of the tribe, being asked by God to do something wholly above and beyond what he is capable of, but God works through him to bring about change for good. Let's hope so!
How should we develop the slowly growing ministry here? How can we help families feel more welcome? Where are the families coming from? What do they need or want from a church community? There are lots of questions to be asked.
Something else I feel like this about at the moment - pregnancy! Graham shared this joyful news of mine and Ben's on Sunday a few weeks ago, describing that I'm not only growing the ministry with other people's children anymore, I'm also growing my own! It has made me think from a new perspective, though: how can we adapt and grow what we are doing here in order to become more welcoming and beneficial for families in Leatherhead?
The growth of a child in the womb is such an extraordinary honour. I've found that I have been emotionally yoyoing between hope and fear all the way through this first trimester, and I know friends who have had experiences on both ends of the positive/negative spectrum; I pray for those of you who have too.
Children are so important to God, and there are so many passages and people in the Bible whose time in the womb and actions as children had a real impact on their ministry as they grew up. Samuel, David, John the Baptist, and Jesus to name a few, all had significant moments and times as children which put them in great stead for how they worked for God as they grew up.
Olly and Helen Goldenberg, in their book Jesus, your baby and you, reflect that: "God has made His plans already and is sending babies into the world who will grow up to enact and fulfil those plans. Only God knows the future before it happens. Only He knows the end from the beginning and He is giving us our children as part of our heritage in His service.
They go on to mention Deuteronomy chapter 6, verses 4-9:
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates."
In his book Unlocking the Bible David Pawson describes this chapter as: "The covenant law is expounded and expanded. We are told the purpose for the law: it is so that love can be communicated from one generation to the next."
What a privilege for me to be able to have the care of this little person for a time. What a privilege for us as a church family to be called to share God's story with the next generation. May we all be bold enough to share our story with the next generation so that the wisdom of and relationship with our God gets shared and experienced until He comes back.
Holly Barton
Church Notes - June 2018
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the June 1918 magazine
Notes from the Belfry June 2018
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Building Project Update When we kicked off the Making History project, we were told by so many people, who had undertaken church re-ordering/building projects, that the process from start to finish would be a long and slow one. So many organisations to consult, permissions to be obtained, contracts to be signed and, of course, funds to be secured. We have at times been discouraged by the speed of our progress, but we continue on this journey firm in the knowledge that the end result will have been worth the wait.
Project Update Meeting
Join us on Sunday 24th June immediately after the morning service for a look at all that's been going on behind the scenes over the last year, where we are at now and what you can expect in the coming months. To give people plenty of time to talk about what they have heard, this will be followed by lunch in the Parish Church Hall. Please sign up so we can cater for everyone. We would like people to donate what you would have spent on Sunday lunch to the Making History project.
Design & Building Works
All of the design work is now complete for the Making History project.
We are in the final stages of incorporating our minor comments to the design. The Tender documents are being prepared and five contractors have submitted statements of interest to provide a quotation for the work.
The work will be undertaken in three stages.
Stage 1: This is a contract for enabling works which will involve:
This work will be carried out under special licence, which is currently with the Chancellor for his approval.
- Dismantling, storing and protecting the Parker Organ;
- Some excavation within the church to allow archaeologists to examine areas where the ground penetrating radar revealed that there may be human remains at a depth where floor works could disturb the graves;
- Exploratory work on the concrete slab where the Parker organ now stands to allow us to build the disabled access ramps;
- An Archaeological examination of the ground outside the South wall where the toilet block will be built.
Stage 2: The implementation project will then be divided into two phases and will require two Faculties (The Church of England's legal planning approval to carry out the work).
Faculty one will be for the construction and modification of everything with the exception of the tower rooms and the swept staircase required for access. The tower work will be the subject of Faculty two. We are awaiting the Faculty application forms for Faculty one from the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC).
We have the full support from the DAC for our approach and for all the work proposed.
Grant Funding
There are several heritage grant applications still on hold until a Faculty is obtained (a requirement for many funders), but a couple have been submitted for consideration.
Wates Grant
We have some great news! We have secured a generous grant from Wates to assist in telling our heritage story better. Fleritage presentation options will be researched and selected in order to attract a diverse range of new audiences.
Leatherhead Residents' Association Race Night
The evening was really enjoyable thanks to volunteers, sponsors and participants who helped to raise £582.40 toward our building project.Sponsored Abseil
On 30th June there will be a sponsored abseil down the church tower. If you want to take part please visit the web site to find out more. We are hoping that not only will this raise funds but provide another opportunity to publicise the project. Please drop by with family and friends during the day to support those abseiling. Refreshments will be available.Strawberries & Pimm's on a Summer Evening
Another opportunity to invite people to enjoy a relaxed evening looking around the church. The bell ringers will be offering guided tours up the church tower on two evenings to be publicised. For those who can manage the 97 steps, there are great views of the town from the roof! (Places limited so sign up soon)
An Evening with Hedlev Kay & Friends
Local musician Hedley Kay will be playing at the Parish Church Hall on Saturday 21st July. Tickets include delicious two course supper. All proceeds will go to the Making History Project.
The Project TeamMay 2018
Epsom & Ewell Foodbank has now fed over 13,000 people!
Where did it all start? We launched in October 2012. The foodbank was set up and run by a small number of volunteers from local churches with some agency support. At that time people doubted whether Epsom and Ewell even needed a foodbank, let alone the 5 centres we currently run. And yet in the 5 1/2 years since our beginning we've expanded from food and essentials to furniture, cooking classes, counselling, and energy services. We even have an app. We're part of the Trussell Trust, the largest network of foodbanks in the country. We run under their guidance and supervision,
The Epsom & Ewell Foodbank sprang from good intentions. Seeing the impact of the Kingston foodbank, we ran an "exploring the idea" meeting with the Trussell Trust that attracted 70+ local people. Once we got the OK, everything started coming together. As word spread about the foodbank, food and toiletry donations started rolling in. We were given spaces in Ruxley Church and Epsom Methodist Church to store our food and serve clients, spaces which we still use today. As the number of clients referred to us grew, we expanded, setting up centres in Leatherhead, Tadworth, and Banstead.
Since then, the foodbank has grown not only in its services, but in its ability to function. As the years pass our ability to work and give the best possible service to our clients has become so much better - to the point where volunteers can see a difference between the foodbank of now, and the foodbank of even just two years ago.
As well as our five centres we have started running other projects and services to help people who need support to move out of food poverty. In every centre, clients have access to:
• Benefit advice
• Counselling
• Our Energy Bank project
• The "Eat Well, Spend Less" cooking course
• Furniture Bank
• A large selection of groups and charities that can supply extra support
• SupportAll of our services are given with the hope that one day people won't need us. Not all of these are handled in the centres, but clients can get information and apply as needed. Our projects are meant to give clients the support they need to become more independent, more economically viable, and live stable, comfortable lives that some of us often take for granted. Maybe one day the foodbank will close!
This might not happen any time soon, but every person helped brings us a little bit closer to that goal.
It's a system built on filling the gaps - the gaps in our own way of working, the gaps in the services we provide, and the gaps left by benefit issues, government cuts, sanctions, zero hour contractors, high costs of living; the list goes on and on.
Epsom & Ewell foodbank is many things but one of its key attributes is its volunteers. It is the product of its amazing team of volunteers.
We generate about 200+ hours of volunteering each week. It's a way of working that has allowed us to grow, and will allow us to keep growing, until we're no longer needed.
It took us 1,572 days to feed 10,000 mouths, our prayer is the next 10,000 takes longer!
Thank you to so many of you that have supported us over the years, whether with food, hours, likes or donations, it has all been gratefully received.
Church Notes - May 2018
Epsom & Ewell Foodbank 0208 786 8221 email from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the May 1918 magazine
Notes from the Belfry May 2018
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church including a report on the Quiz on 10th May please click on The Friends
Building Project Update
With our monthly update for May publication being written so early after Easter there is little to report. Revd Graham Osborne and Project Manager, John Andrews, attended a meeting with the Diocesan Advisory Committee shortly after the Easter break. The DAC has requested some further information and drawings before we can complete the necessary forms for a Faculty for the Project Works.
At the time of writing we are also still waiting to hear from the Chancellor regarding the enabling works (test pits, etc).
The funding team met to review progress and develop plans for an intensive summer fundraising programme.
April 2018
The Rector writes ...
In this Easter season, a time of renewal and new life, I am reminded that it is eight years ago that our congregation undertook a process to discern what God was calling us to be and to do in this place at this time.
The Vision we discerned - "growing disciples of Jesus Christ" - continues to guide all that we are doing. Our Key Areas of Mission have been refined periodically, most recently to align with four of the twelve goals set out in the Diocesan Mission Strategy - Making Disciples, Growing Youth & Children's Ministry, Cultivating Community Partnerships and Improving Church Buildings. Ian, Holly and I recently attended a course put on by the Diocese - "Leading Your Church into Growth" and we are continuing to reflect on how to apply it to our parish.
Strategy and plans are vital, however ... the fundamental bedrock of any church is individual discipleship - how we respond to the awesome Easter story.
I have always had a soft spot for Simon Peter, the impetuous, tempestuous Galilean fisherman whom Jesus chose to be the rock on which he would build His church. That we are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ seems to me to be the cornerstone as we anticipate - and expect - that He is building His church here in Leatherhead.
As we celebrate this Easter season, and continue to discern God's call to us as His church in this place at this time, we could do worse than reflect on our own responses to the questions that Jesus posed to Peter in the gospel narratives:
When Andrew first brought Simon to Jesus, he instantly named him "Peter", the rock (John 1.35-45) - What do you want? He asked. At Caesarea Philippi, Jesus asked Who do you say that I am? and Peter responded "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16.10-20). The watery end to Peter's attempt to walk on water (Matthew 14.28-40) posed the question Why did you doubt?
Remembering the events of that first Holy Week, we recall the footwashing at the Last Supper (John 13.1-17) - Do you understand?, Peter's threefold betrayal (John 18.15-27) - You aren't one of his disciples, are you?, the empty tomb (John 20.1-10) - The unasked question - where is Jesus?, the threefold forgiveness and restoration at the BBQ on the beach (John 21.1-17) - Do you love me?, ending up with Peter's threefold visionof unclean food and the visit of the servants of Cornelius the centurion (Acts 10.9-23) - Why have you come?
The events of that first Easter are, potentially, so life-changing that we would do well to refresh our memories of them and think them through thoroughly. If you have travelled through Passiontide, Holy Week and Easter with us, you will have re-heard the story once more.
Given the accounts of 1st Century historians like Josephus, it would be hard to argue that an itinerant preacher, teacher and healer from Nazareth called Jesus, son of Joseph and Mary, never existed. Nor that he fell foul of the Roman authorities in Jerusalem and was arrested, tried and sentenced to death by crucifixion - a sentence that was carried out with ruthless Roman efficiency.
The crucial hinge-point for Christians is the Resurrection. I would encourage you to review for yourselves what could have happened in that tomb - body-snatchers? grave-robbers? disciples determined to prove their Master right? authorities bent on making sure that this was really the end? or the awesome power of God raising a man to a new form of life? As we have been reflecting in our Lent Groups, only the Resurrection gives the cross meaning.
As a Christian church we are called "to proclaim the gospel afresh in each generation". This is our generation. This is our church. This is our gospel. Please join me in proclaiming the Good News of God's love for us, His creation.
Happy Easter
Graham Osborne
Church Notes - April 2018
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the April 1918 magazine
Notes from the Belfry April 2018
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Building Project Update
We have good news to report this month! Planning permission, subject to conditions, has been granted by Mole Valley District Council.
The Diocesan Advisory Committee has recommended that the enabling works (test pits, etc) go ahead and has put forward an interim order to the Chancellor for approval. The full project plans are also with the Chancellor for consideration. We hope a faculty notice will follow shortly and all being well we plan to go out to tender after Easter.
Our fundraising efforts continue with work on grant applications and fundraising activities by community supporters. We very much value our local partnerships that promote community spirit and move us closer to our fundraising target.
The Friends held their Annual Quiz last month and Leatherhead Residents Association is putting on a Race Night this month. Tickets priced at £10 include dinner. Please purchase in advance from Barton's Book Shop.
Proceeds will be split between our Making History project and the Actors Benevolent Fund and a plaque outside the Leatherhead Theatre.
Collect: FREE funds for us every time you shop online with - John Lewis - amazon - ebay -
Children and Families 2017-2018
Unfortunately, only part of this article appeared in March - here it is, complete)
Well, what a year this has been! When I first arrived, there was a 12-year-old and a baby growing in a mummy's tummy and now we have over ten children from six families who see our church as their own.
How amazing God is!
What has happened this past year? I wanted to write and let you all know what's been going on in the children and families' ministry at church, as an insight into where God is leading us as church, as well as how we're connecting with people in our community of Leatherhead.
One of the first and most welcoming places I was asked to visit was Baby and Toddler group, run by Janine and Jackie in the Parish Church Hall every Wednesday morning in term time. This is a group where lots of parents come, mostly mums still, but also grannies, granddads, and childminders with the children in their care. They see this as a really positive group, and so I was welcomed in as a part of this quickly and generously. Janine asked me to be a sort of chaplain, if people wanted to chat, and so that is mainly what I do on a Wednesday morning, as well as leading the story reading and singing when needed.
Monday morning is taken up with the staff meeting with the Rector and Curate, discussing and evaluating the past week as well as planning and praying into the following one. We are working well together as a team, which is very fulfilling for me. Often on Monday afternoons I shall plan the coming Sunday morning's activities, which is trickier to organise now that there are regularly more than five children back there in the tower! It's a real treat though, and I am grateful to Di and Freya who are on team, but if you could pray for more people willing to help that would be very useful in growing this ministry to our families.
Late afternoon/after school is a good meeting time for teachers, so that is when I would visit Leatherhead Trinity or St Michael's. Both links have been really positive, with me joining Graham, Ian, Lynda and Hannah in our weekly Thursday morning assemblies at Leatherhead Trinity. We take it in turns to go in to teach Bible stories and, for me, lead them in developing their song repertoire. Monthly assemblies for St Michael's are based on their school's "values".
During the rest of the week I am usually preparing one of these activities, visiting families that have either already had or are going to have their children christened at the church; planning for the next church season e.g. Easter; connecting with other children's workers in the diocese, and asking God in prayer for His guidance for this ministry.
Other activities that I am involved with monthly are "Messy Church" and "Craftanoon". "Messy Church" is run by Hannah and me as a Covenanting Churches' ministry every third Thursday of the month and is a relatively popular two-hour session hosted by the Methodist church. They have the resources there for us to cook for the families, as well as different rooms for our range of craft tables. It starts with crafts, then a story or talk, songs and prayer, before sitting down to eat together. The aim would be to be able to feed the adults as well, so please do pray for us being able to do that soon.
"Craftanoon" is an initiative run by Kelly (diocese) and Emma as the manager of the Leatherhead Trinity Children's Centre, on the last Wednesday of every month. It is accessible to all families, and again holds crafts, and then the families eat together before going home.
Both activities take a lot of preparing but it's worth it to be able to enable families to spend quality time together.
Last year Hannah and I ran Holiday Club in August, again as a Covenanting Churches' ministry, where 58 children came Monday to Friday to be in age-related teams, led by an adult leader. We explored the life of Daniel from the Bible, engaging in games, crafts, healthy competition, and prayer. It was an excellent week and we intend to run another one this year during the week 13th August. Please do pray for this extraordinary way to link with families in the area, as well as all the planning that's involved.
"Summer Lunch Club" was another summer activity, over lunch on the Mondays of August. This targeted some families who appreciated some company and food together during the summer holidays. Kelly (Diocese) and Emma (Manager of Trinity Children's Centre) and I prepared some games and activities to play and do during the couple of hours, as well as preparing yummy picnic food for us to eat wherever we were. We're aiming to run this again, learning from last year, so prayers for this to meet the need of the families who come would be really appreciated.
We also ran our "Bright and Light party" which was another roaring success! B@titude and I planned and executed a really fun, engaging, craft-filled time, with delicious food and some dancing. It really is great to see what can happen when we link up and have people willing to volunteer their time to serve others.
So, all in all it's been a busy year! Please do pray for the continuing growth of the children and families' ministry, as well as volunteering your time and talent for it if you feel able. I am enjoying being here and want to be able to create a sustainable ministry; this can only happen through willing hands and feet of the body of Christ. Thank you!
Holly Barton
Deanery Synod Report 7.2.18
A Deanery Synod meeting was held at St. Lawrence Effingham on Wednesday 7th February 2018. The topic for discussion was "Engaging with Housing". There are significant housing developments taking place within the Deanery at Effingham (Howard of Effingham Development), and on the Wisley Airfield which affects some parishes in the Deanery. The question was posed: what is the Christian response to new Housing Development?
Neil McDonald, previously involved as a Civil Servant with housing development, now currently consulting on Housing Development, and also Church Warden at St. Nicholas Great Bookham, led our discussions giving a very detailed (with graphs) explanation as to how the crisis in housing had developed. He encouraged those present to discuss in small groups around some of the issues.
In the second part of the evening with the help of David King (chair of Effingham Residents Association) and Revd Hugh Grear, Vicar of Ockham, we considered the two developments highlighted for our area.
Again we broke into small groups and considered the implications of these large housing developments in our area - and some of the reactions we should have as Christians and citizens.
In the final section of the topic Neil McDonald brought us back to consider the implication of housing development from a Christian perspective. No complete answers on this but much to think about.
Deanery News:
Cobham parish is still in vacancy - but it is hoped to interview in March. Deanery Synod Secretaries - Anne and Richard Milton-Worssell wish to retire as Deanery Secretary in June - a job description has already gone out. If anybody is interested in the post or knows someone in their church who is, please contact either Alan Jenkins, Area Dean, or Bill King, Deanery Lay Chair. Diocesan Synod - future elections. Bill alerted the Synod to the forthcoming Diocesan Synod election in the Autumn - it is time to consider who might be a good person from our Deanery for this. Mark Cheverton, Deanery Treasurer, talked about the website he is setting up for the Deanery - also a forum to get people to get together to talk about it. Deanery Action plan - Jenny Smith is to work together with reps, looking for a link from each parish regarding their youth work in preparation for our next meeting in June. Next Synod Meetings will be on Wednesday June 13th at Oxshott and will be on the Deanery and children and youth. The following meeting will be on October 10th at Great Bookham. Donald Yeates
Celia Beatrice Hamilton 30/10/1921 - 11/2/2018 - see via Remembrance pages
March 2018
One of our Licensed Lay Ministers writes ...
The four of us, our friend Graham, our guide Abdo, Roger and I, stood in awe in Egypt in front of the massive fallen statue of Rameses II. Roger was moved to recite Percy Bysshe Shelley's famous poem Ozymandias:
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
When Roger had finished, none of us wanted to break the spell as we contemplated how the mighty are fallen.
This 26 metre granite statue of the pharaoh in front of the Rameseum, the Temple he had built to himself, was supposed to stand for eternity. Indeed, so massive was it that it must have been a very severe earthquake to have toppled it. All that now remains still standing are his massive legs. The upper part of his body and his head lie in the sand at his feet.
So preoccupied were the ancient Egyptians both with attaining immortality and ensuring they reached the after-life that all their energies went into erecting gigantic statues designed to last for ever, constructing massive pyramids, and carving out tombs. These they filled with actual processions, beds, chairs, jewellery, and food. Along the walls of the entry tunnels, and the tombs themselves, were carved depictions of all they would need with them in the Underworld, endless processions of people bringing grain, meat, flowers and fruit cover the walls. The tombs were also gloriously painted and, though 4,000 years old, often looked as fresh as if they had been painted yesterday.
Those of the "nobles" were of especial interest because whereas the scenes in the royal tombs were very stylised depictions of offerings to the gods, the "commoner's" tombs depicted everyday life, grain being harvested, winnowed and ground, animals being butchered, birds and fishes being caught; all to supply the needs of the dead person in the Afterlife. In fact so preoccupied were they with life after death that this life held no importance for them.
It was beyond imagining the man hours it must have taken to extract granite from the region of Aswan, transport it many miles and then carve it into massive statues, and to hack tombs out of the limestone hills and decorate them so beautifully and elaborately. But they must have thought it worthwhile if it meant they would be resurrected after death, to be born again, they believed, into their original bodies. Thus mummification was also vital, at the end of which they performed the "opening of the mouth" ceremony so that the dead person's spirit could re-enter the body.
Christianity came very early to Egypt, brought by Mark the Evangelist in the 1st Century. And many of the myths and beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians became fused, synchronized into this new faith. Some of the early Christians even practised mummification! A few of them became solitaries, going far out into the desert to lead a life of extreme hardship and prayer, and even building the world's very first monasteries. But I was saddened that they seemed to adopt the indigenous belief that it was only by suffering in this life that they could be spared torment in the next. Like the ancient Egyptians they believed that this life had no value and was simply a preparation for eternity to come. So they lived in extreme poverty with little to eat and in scratchy tunics (or sometimes with nothing to wear), in rudimentary caves, spending all their energy and time in preparing for the next life.
We too are in a season of preparation, for we are in the wilderness days of Lent. And on 1st April we too will be celebrating the life that is beyond this life demonstrated by the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter morning. But Jesus was not resurrected into the Underworld; he was resurrected into this one. The Kingdom of God is both realized, and to come. The message of both the Incarnation and the Resurrection are clear...God so loved THE WORLD, this world, not some mysterious "other", that "He became 'flesh' and dwelt among us". Or as I prefer "he has become flesh and dwells among us". The story may be over 2,000 years old, but it would be meaningless if it wasn't a present reality. Jesus the Christ is risen. The sacred, the divine, is infused within his creation, and God saw that "it was very good". Life is God given and to be celebrated and enjoyed, not shunned, endured or denied.
It is in "all flesh" that we see and meet God. Alleluia!
Gail Partridge
Church Notes - March 2018
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the March 1918 magazine
Notes from the Belfry March 2018
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church, especially Quiz Supper Evening on March 10th, please click on The Friends
Building Project Update
Can you believe that it's exactly one year since the project team first presented the Making History project to the congregation, members of the Electoral Roll and Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church. While the plans have evolved slightly our objectives remain the same:
• To reclaim our medieval church;
• To tell our heritage story better;
• To create buildings fit for the 21st century.
These objectives underpin a deep desire to see a restored building that enables our church family and continuing ministry in the community of Leatherhead to thrive.
So, it's inevitably frustrating to report (at the time of writing) little movement since last month's update - we are still waiting for a Faculty from the Diocese and a planning decision from Mole Valley District Council. Please pray that positive decisions come back soon.
Several members of the PCC and amazing volunteers are planning new fundraising activities in the next few months, so look out for publicity and invite friends to join you at these events. The more people who know about our project the better.
As always, we are truly appreciative of the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church, who continue to raise funds for the on-going maintenance of the church and churchyard. The two musical evenings with Pip Burley raised a staggering £4,500 and we're now looking forward to their annual quiz night on Saturday 10th March.
1000 Memorable Moments
As part of the Making History project we are beginning to ask people to share stories associated with the church through word, photo, or even video. We plan to produce '1000 Memorable Moments' of people connected with the church past and present and put on an exhibition to celebrate the completion of the Making History project. More information about how to get involved in next month's magazine, but start thinking about what interesting and touching stories you might contribute.
Finally, there's an old saying that goes "good things come to those who wait" - so we remain excited and hope you do too.
The Project Team
Mothers' Union
Thank you to all the members who helped by baking or bringing food for our Birthday meeting which was enjoyed by all, especially our visiting Branches.
7th March will be our AGM: after the business we will have time to chat and have refreshments. We will be holding a raffle at the meeting.
4th April Beverley Stonehouse is hoping to come along and give a talk of her choice.
14th April is the Lady Day Service at Guildford Cathedral - cannot wait to see the improvements. At this Service all Branches are invited and able to carry their Banners. Further details will appear in the April magazine.
You are welcome to join us at any of our Meetings.
Jane Summerfield
Woodlands School Visit
It was great to see a convoy of wheelchairs heading into church one afternoon last month. Pupils, teachers and support staff from Woodlands School came to visit the church as part of their school project on faith.
Once everyone had navigated their way over the small step in the porch (surprising how difficult that was for the heavier wheelchairs) and had a quick recap of what they had been doing in class, everyone split up to explore the church (although they couldn't get up the chancel steps).
It was fascinating to accompany the pupils, who have either severe learning difficulties, very complex needs, or autism, and discover what each one liked most during their visit:
• C really smiled at the communion wine and liked looking at the Bible;
• T liked flicking through the hymn book and singing the song "Our God is a great big God";
• S liked looking at the stained glass windows which were reminiscent of the craft stained glass crosses made at school;
• J also focussed on the windows;
• R loved taking the numbers in and out of the hymn board;
• C also liked playing with the hymn board and feeling the wax candles;
• R liked the smell of communion wine and sat by the Bibles and looked at them.
The skilled staff helped each young person to get something special from their visit. We look forward to welcoming them again. After our building project is completed we will also be able to provide them better access too!
Beverley Stonehouse, Holly Barton
Children and Families 2017-2018 - see full version of this report in April
Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting this year is on 18th April. Any revisions to our Parish Electoral Roll have to be published by about 4th April. If you think you are not on our Roll but want to be, or for whatever reason wish to be removed, or your details have changed please contact me or visit the parish office, from where you can also obtain a copy of the Electoral Roll Application Form. Alternatively if you are able to, you can print it off from
Frank Haslam, Electoral Roll Officer L379341
"Night and Day...You are the One..."
Once again on 31st January doors closed on a "Full House" at the Parish Church Hall for the second of Pip Burley's explorations of the "Golden Age of Song".
This time Cole Porter and George Gershwin were "in the spotlight". What a contrast with their contemporaries, Irving Berlin and Jerome Kern, although all four had things in common: two of the four had Russo-Jewish ancestry and the lives of two were marred by tragedy or circumstance. Two died relatively young.
Their influence on popular music and in particular on the Musical during the interwar and immediate post-war era was, however, incalculable, each in turn being required by changes in society and public taste to continuously adapt their compositions and style.
As during "Part One" in November Pip Burley captivated his audience with a combination of video and audio clips and masterful demonstration on the Grand Piano of the technical innovations in each of the four composers' musical output.
The Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church would like to express their gratitude to Pip for his generosity with his time and his donation of all the proceeds from the sale of his books and CDs. Thanks too to all who attended one or both of the evening performances for your support of FLPC Fundraising. As a result a magnificent total of £4,500 was raised to assist with the Friends' commitment to the maintenance of our beautiful Church.
John and Jackie Hampton
Easter Flowers
We shall be decorating the church with spring flowers from 10.30am on Saturday 31st March. Anyone wishing to help will be most welcome. Donations towards the cost of the lilies will be most appreciated.
Valerie Jones
Burns Night 2018
Friday 26th January heralded our Annual Burns Night Festivities. A good crowd clapped in The Haggis on its silvered platter: Nicky proudly bearing the dish with due reverence.
John once again recited Burns' famous "Address to a Haggis" brilliantly and, although many words were unknown to me, most guests seem to laugh in the right places! We toasted the haggis with a wee dram o' whiskey.
I did enjoy the traditional meal, the company and the ambience. Many thanks to the large number of you who prepared and cooked the veggies etc, as well as those who helped on the night.
We had an entertaining musical interlude between courses, helping Alan Fleming with the choruses of 2 old favourites - and Richard Price accompanied us on the piano for "Loch Lomond".
David Primrose called the dances. There were many enthusiastic participants and, for those of us who weren't up to swirling and twirling, it was fun watching.
Auld Lang Syne brought most of us on to the dance-floor which made a fitting ending to an enjoyable evening which, incidentally, raised nearly £1,000 towards our Making History fundraising.
Di Gale
We are applying to hold a collection at Leatherhead Station on the morning of Tuesday 15th May. We may also be able to do envelope collections in some roads. If you can help please let me know as soon as possible. We know the need all too well. Let's do something.
Frank Haslam, Christian Aid L379341
February 2018
Church Notes - February 2018
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the February 1918 magazine
Notes from the Belfry February 2018
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church, especially Quiz Supper Evening on March 10th, please click on The Friends
Building Project Update
It can't have escaped people's notice that building work has yet to begin in the church. Although we had hoped to start in January 2018 we are still in discussions with the Diocese regarding the Faculty and are awaiting a planning decision from Mole Valley District Council.
Without these permissions we haven't been able to move forward with the majority of our grant applications, as they are often a required condition of any approach for funding. Of course, this is frustrating, especially since the funding priorities of many foundations have recently changed in line with new funding criteria from the National Lottery.
The fundraising team is therefore working hard to revise applications in line with the new requirements, so as soon as we have Faculty and planning permission we are ready to submit funding applications that include a community activity plan to support our proposed capital expenditure. We are talking to several local charities about how we might work together, but if you know of others that might be interested in a joint programme, please ask them to get in touch with Chris Evans or Beverley Stonehouse.That being said we have almost reached 60% of our total fundraising target. So, while cracking on with various fundraising efforts, the PCC has agreed that the project should be phased, prioritising the replacement of the floor, entrances, heating & audio/visual systems.
Tender Documentation
The Architect has therefore been instructed to proceed with tender documents for the complete project and the PCC will agree the further scope of works depending on the available funding once the tender information is available. This is subject to the completion of enabling works. It is unclear at present whether the Diocese will allow us to undertake those investigations prior to a full faculty being granted. If this is the case the commencement of work may be further delayed.Pews For Sale/Flaostone Dedications:
If you are interested please contact John Andrews (01372 373083).Finally, if you are part of a community group or local business please suggest that they participate in a fundraising activity in order to dedicate a flagstone and be included in the Community Roll of Honour.
Mothers' Union
The Project Team
7th February is our Annual Birthday Party where we invite other Branches to join us. We will be holding a bring & buy stall. The money raised will go to "Make a Mothers' Day" - if you feel like joining us you are more than welcome, or if you would like to contribute to this project it would be very much appreciated.
7th March again an Annual Event, this time our AGM.
Our meetings begin at 2.30pm in the Parish Church Hall.
Best wishes, Jane Summerfield
Remembrance Sunday 2017
We should like to thank everyone who attended the Church Service on Remembrance Sunday. The grand total of the collection was £325.
Again, many thanks.
Derrick and Jane Summerfield
It's Quiz Time - Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church
Sat 10 Mar 7pm for 7.30pm start Parish Church Hall - booking form
The BBC to increase coverage of religion
The BBC has recently pledged to "raise our game" on religion by increasing the portrayal of all faiths in mainstream shows.
The corporation said it would "enhance" the representation of religion on TV and radio dramas and documentaries. It said it would also create a new global religious affairs team, headed by a religion editor, in BBC News. The BBC will also keep Thought For The Day on Radio 4's Today programme.
The corporation recently published the conclusions of a review into its coverage of religion and ethics, and Director General Tony Hall said audiences of all faiths and none have said they want to learn more about those topics.
"They recognise that, if we truly want to make sense of the world, we need to understand the systems of belief that underpin it," he said. He added that he wants the corporation "to do more about Christianity and other beliefs as well."
The plans include:
There will be more about non-Christian festivals like Diwali, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Ramadan and Eid on mainstream programmes like The One Show, The Chris Evans Breakfast Show and Newsround.
There will be landmark programmes to "explore religion in all its forms", including a major TV series about the world's sacred sites, a Radio 4 series on morality in the 21st Century, and a Radio 2 initiative to encourage young people to discuss issues about peace.
2019 will be "A Year of Beliefs", with programmes looking at how people make big decisions and where they get their moral values from.
There will be more "people-led stories that have warmth and depth", such as observing vicars working in local communities.
There will be tie-ins with music and comedy, and more digital-first video and social media content.
The role of the religious affairs correspondent - currently Martin Bashir -will be upgraded to religion editor, leading BBC News's new global religious affairs team. BBC News will also broaden the range of interviewees and contributors to represent a wider range of opinions and practices.
Time for Tea
Friday 2 April 2.30pm till 4pm. Come for Tea and Company to Leatherhead Methodist Church.
Church Notes - January 2018
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the January 1918 magazine
Notes from the Belfry January 2018
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church especially The Golden Age of Song on Jan 31 please click on The Friends
Building Project Update
With the design work well in hand, last month saw a renewed focus on fundraising.
Fundraising Workshop: We were delighted to welcome a fundraising consultant to help us hone our donor fundraising strategy. The project team, reinforced by new volunteers (drawn from the PCC and others, who have stepped forward to help with fundraising) spent a day looking at how we could accelerate our income generation.A follow-up meeting took place where it was agreed to sharpen our focus on four areas: Local Community (Martin Farrell) Trusts & Charities (Chris Evans), Major Donors (Martin Cole), Corporate Donors (MF/CE/MC), with all areas supported by Anne Thomson, Veronica Kay, Sue Roberts, Linda Hauxwell and Beverley Stonehouse.
Pews For Sale/Flagstone Dedications: If you are interested please contact John Andrews (L373083)
Planning Application
The Conversation Officer from Mole Valley District Council made a site visit at the beginning of December. Queries about the submitted drawings regarding external lighting and signage were discussed with the architect and members of the project team. Our planning application is progressing and we anticipate a decision during January.Survey Reports
The ground penetrating radar tests revealed 18 points of interest in the nave of the church. This does not necessarily mean 18 burial sites merely that there are 18 points of ground disturbance. Further investigation is required to see if this will affect the floor groundworks. Therefore, it is likely that archaeologists will need to be on site for the groundwork investigations some time in the New Year.Project Review
The project was reviewed at the November PCC meeting. After further deliberation and prayer the most appropriate way forward will be determined at the next PCC meeting (24.1.18).
The Project Team
Leatherhead Morning W.l.I feel sad to be writing this, as it signifies the closing of Leatherhead W.l.
It has not been an easy decision as it marks the end of many years of its existence. Due to falling numbers, and increased costs, it is not practical to continue. Our last meeting, on 23rd November, finalised the way it should go. Jill Elliott and Rosemary Horton, W.I. advisers, attended the meeting, and gave us their valuable input.Thanks were given to our President, Mrs Hazel Richmond-Coggan, and Secretary, Mrs Betty Tunstill. Betty was a founder member, and president for many years.
Our W.l. was unique, as meetings were in the morning, where most of the other groups are in the afternoon or evening. It will be very much missed, and there is always a possibility that it may be started up again in the future.
We had our Christmas lunch at the beginning of December, and, hopefully, we shall keep in touch with each other, as many friendships have been formed.
Hazel Brown
Exciting Changes at LYPLeatherhead Youth Project (LYP) and the Community Foundation for Surrey announce an exciting development for both organisations.
With Joe Crome moving on from LYP to take on a new role as the Director of Philanthropy at the Community Foundation Oli Bell will step in as interim manager at LYP.Oli has over ten years' experience in youth work. Previously working with young offenders in Plymouth, Oli has seen LYP go from strength to strength and is currently the Senior Youth Worker for the Bookham Youth Project, a new initiative started by LYP.
Following the relational model of youth work developed by LYP we have set up a variety of programmes for young people in Bookham and the surrounding area.
LYP, now in its 13th year, is providing more services than ever before and offers greater support for young people across the district. LYP is also considered a centre of excellence for youth work across the county.
LYP will continue to provide the same excellent youth work under Oli's management. He will be leading the team in an interim position while a recruitment process is undertaken.
LYP and the Community Foundation for Surrey have enjoyed a special relationship for many years, with the Community Foundation for Surrey supporting LYP to provide excellent youth work in Leatherhead, Bookham, and across Mole Valley.
Joe will be greatly missed at LYP, but Oli and the team wish him all the best at Community Foundation for Surrey and look forward to an even greater relationship between the two organisations.
Leatherhead Community Association
Everyone at the Leatherhead Community Association would like to wish your readers all the very best for 2018, and to tell them about some of the events that are being organised for the next four months.
EMINentlv Interesting! - "Mad Tracy from Margate" is the title of the first lecture in the new series of Art/History lectures, and this can only be about Tracey Emin. Come to the Letherhead Institute in January 2018, just the place to come in out of the cold, ancyearn more about a fascinating and controversial lady in the first lecture on 17 January. There are four more to follow on subjects of "Suburbia", Zoffany, German Expressionism before 1914, and a fairly unknown Danish artist.
For bookworms looking for a cosv corner - Did you know that there is a library of some 1500 books and over 350 DVDs that is free and open on weekday mornings with a resident Librarian present on Fridays. Added to which there is a warm stove, comfortable chairs, and coffee is always available. New titles are constantly being added.
Listen in comfort to Tea and Talks once a month on Fridays with topics on Edwardian England, "Can't pay, won't pay", Octavia Hill - one of the founders of the National Trust, and the 60s and 70s pop scene in Leatherhead. Or if you prefer music, the recorded music afternoons are on every 3rd Wednesday, starting on the 17 January with "New Beginnings", followed by "Winter Warmers", "March", and "Music in action".
To whet vour 2018 appetite even more - From January Yoga, Bridge, Table Tennis, Snooker, and Scrabble will be taking place weekly as usual, and once a month there is Book Club.
Just visiting! Our visits start on 6 February to the recently opened Postal Museum, followed in March to the Watts Gallery in Surrey, and then in April to Dover Castle.
Wellies mav be needed! - For the more energetic, (and hale and hardy), the full and varied programme of walks, both short and long, start again in February and Peter Humphreys is happy to give you all the details - L378347.
Please don't forget that rooms can be hired for "one off" functions or for regular classes, an art class has been running weekly for over ten years. It costs only £5 a year to become a member but non-members are welcome at a very low cost. If you would like to have all the information as to what is arranged by the LCA please call into the Institute, last building on the left at the top of the High Street, and pick up the newest newsletter or try the website
Sarah, the administrator, is always very happy to help on L360508, or email
Frances PresleyTHE ARTS SOCIETY LEATHERHEAD Arts Society illustrated talk: Pots & Frocks - the world of Grayson Perry
Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, KT22 8BD Wednesday 10th January, 19:15 to 21:00Widely known for his appearances dressed as his feminine alter ego, Claire, Grayson Perry RA is now a core part of the art establishment. A Turner Prize winner and one of Britain's best known contemporary artists, he gave the brilliant BBC Reith Lecture about the art market in 2013. His works of ceramics, textiles, tapestries and prints are highly sought after. Often controversial, he is able to tackle difficult subjects in a poignant yet witty way. This talk will examine Grayson Perry's work, his exciting and thought-provoking exhibitions, and we'll look at the character inside the flamboyant frocks.
The society welcomes visitors for £5 at the door, but please make initial contact via email to or telephone John Andrews on L373083The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
This year the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs from the 18th to the 25th January [calendar].
The theme of the Week comes from the Churches of the Caribbean, and addresses some of the problems of the people there but also worldwide.