These are selected
extracts from the monthly Parish Magazines of the Church of
England Parish of Leatherhead, Surrey, which was then in the
See of Guildford in the Diocese of Winchester. The Vicar was
Rev Thomas F Hobson (1910-26). The language used is,
of course, of its time.
They are provided so that
we can see something of how this parish coped with the
hitherto largely unimaginable effects of modern
industrialised warfare.
They show the practical
ways in which relief - for all - evolved within a
framework of Christian compassion supported by prayer
and thoughtfulness.
They also illustrate how
from the start women in the church family took on
responsibilities. The parish at this time already
played an important social service role in the
funding of nursing care and provision of relief.
Each year is on its own page
and extracts are shown by month within page. The source
material is the bound copies of our parish magazines held at
the Surrey History Centre. Relevant post-1918 extracts
are included, e.g. awards, deaths and the creation of memorials.
Frank Haslam
Parish Archivist

January 1916
Click here
for the Leatherhead War Memorials research project website