Parish of Leatherhead - Key Events & News 2017
updated 9 Mar 2018
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Application Form to join the Parish Electoral Roll
Church Notes - December 2017
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the December 1917 magazine
Notes from the Belfry December 2017
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church especially The Golden Age of Song on Jan 31 please click on The Friends
Building Project Update - Dec 2017
Thank you to everyone who helped to deliver Making History leaflets to every street in Leatherhead. Everyone should have had an opportunity to hear about the Making History project, so please continue to be an ambassador amongst friends and relatives over the festive season and into the New Year.
Group Tours
The project team is available to undertake tours of the church that showcase our history and discuss the proposed changes to local groups. These can be daytime or evening and combined into a Christmas social.
Planning Application
Following our planning application to Mole Valley District Council in October, we have received a question regarding external lighting and signage. Our architect is submitting drawings covering these aspects.
Detailed designs for the lighting, power, heating, sound and ventilation in the tower rooms have been received by the architect and are being incorporated into the detail design drawings for our comment and approval. The architect and kitchen designer continue to work on possible layouts for our consideration.
Survey Reports
The results of the ground penetrating radar tests and the restoration study of the paintings and the leather chest were not available as we went to print. Likewise we still don't know yet if it is possible or desirable to remove the paint from the nave columns and arches.
Pews For Sale: Pews are being offered for sale to parishioners and others. To date six have been reserved. If you are interested please contact 01372 373083.
Church 2018 Calendar: Last calendar orders (price £9.99) are being taken until Monday 4th December. Order via the parish office L362544.
Project Review
The PCC will be undertaking a full project review at the end of the month.
The Project Team
A big thank you to Mike Lewis for organising the Town collection on Saturday 11th November. The total raised was just over £1,000 so well done to all the collectors who I'm sure stood with smiling faces in the rain.
Remembrance Sunday: the word that comes to mind is WOW - so wonderful to see the Church full with young and older people; thanks to the team for such a lovely Service. The War Memorial was full to capacity with standing room only along the foot-path.
Derrick and Jane Summerfield.
The future of the Parish Church Building
I find it recorded in my notebook ...
Dr Watson used to start a number of his memoirs of Sherlock Holmes with these words. I find it recorded in my notebook that I was inducted as Rector here in November 2009, eight years ago. Since then we have been on quite a journey.
I am very aware that there is a certain amount of disquiet about the proposed reordering of the parish church and about the introduction of a less formal communion service on a third Sunday. I would like to clear up some confusion about what changes we are undertaking - changes to the parish church and in the way that we worship - and set out the reasons why it is imperative for us to do these things.
I was appointed to deliver a statement of needs that was part of the parish profile developed by the PCC, the Bishop and the Archdeacon. It included the following points:
Maintain our successes
Future challenges
- support existing traditional services alongside the continuing development of contemporary worship styles and more accessible services
Having articulated our Vision and Mission as a parish church in the Spring of 2010, the PCC set out the sort of church we aspire to become in the Autumn of 2010. In order to make it possible for us to achieve those aspirations, some changes to our buildings would be necessary. Some six years, three architects, five sets of plans, and a lot of prayer later, we are in the process of raising funds to undertake the first stage of the work needed to deliver the two-site solution (Parish Church and Parish Church Hall) that the Diocesan Advisory Committee has told us is needed.
- have experience of working with different church music genres from choral to contemporary and develop the varied musical traditions within our Church
- realise the potential for growing the congregation especially the need for young families. There is a need to look at fresh expressions of church as well as existing contacts with baptism families, parent & toddler group families, marriage couples and youth / children's work families
- reach out to fringe church-goers and those with no church connection by making the church more relevant to them
Because we can "do" current church in the current Parish Church Hall, but cannot do the current Parish Church Hall activities in the current church, we are doing the work to the church first, after which we hope we can transfer as many as possible of the activities that currently take place in the Parish Church Hall to the church, freeing up the Parish Church Hall to serve our community more effectively.
This will be possible because we will have a kitchen and toilets and a warm, comfortable, flexible space in church. There is currently no intention of selling the Parish Church Hall, nor of building houses on the site. Indeed, we are just completing the negotiations to renew the lease of the Car Park to Mole Valley District Council for the next 10 years.
There is also an imperative to undertake some urgent repairs to the church itself, as the wood block flooring is in danger of becoming a Health and Safety hazard with loose blocks all over the place and, indeed, in the South-West corner there is infestation and rot so we really need to do something about the floor.
In order to provide as wide a set of worship experiences as possible, we would ideally have a traditional Said Communion service early on a Sunday morning, a traditional Sung Eucharist with organ and hymns and, separately, a more modern service using less liturgy and more modern songs. We did try this in a worship experiment some years ago.
We did not have the resources to sustain that three-services-on-a-Sunday pattern, and we still don't have the resources to do that. For that reason, and because a number of our current 10.30 congregation are nourished by a less formal, more modern music approach to worship, we have started to have a more relaxed service at 10.30 on a third Sunday. This is also to help those people who are starting to come, who might be nourished by a less formal type of service, to understand that we are capable of doing that.
Please continue to pray for all that we are trying to do and, if you have any concerns or questions, please come and talk to me.
Graham Osborne
Christmas by Candlelight in the Church of St Nary and St Nicholas
THE ARTS SOCIETY LEATHERHEAD Tuesday 19th December, 19:30 to 21:00
The Arts Society Leatherhead invites you to come at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 19th December to celebrate Christmas by Candlelight in the beautiful surroundings of the medieval Church of St Mary and St Nicholas, Leatherhead. The concert will feature music by the Brandenburg Singers and Brass Ensemble and it includes some seldom-performed gems as well as readings and many old favourites.
Following the concert please join us in the Parish Church Hall for wine, soft drinks and mince pies. The ticket price of £15 also includes a programme and a donation to the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church.
Tickets: 01372 376640
Mothers' Union
December 6th will be our Christmas afternoon tea, with the giving of Christmas Presents: if you would like to join us you are more than welcome. If you wish to be part of the giving of a gift then please bring along something wrapped to the value of about £3.00. It is amazing what you can get in Poundland.
January 3rd we will have a members' meeting where we can just have a good natter.
Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
Jane Summerfield
It wouldn't seem like Christmas if we didn't get in touch, and send these Christmas greetings to the folks who mean so much.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to each and every one of you from:
Alan, Carol, Lara and Rhyanne Acott, Margaret Beams, Christine Bryant, Juliet Campbell, Mollie Canning, Martin and Sheila Cole, Rosalind Corteen, Alan and Fran Fleming, Jonny, Dani and Eddy Follett, Peter and Sheila Ford, John, Di, Ben and Sam Gale, Arnie and Ann Gabbott, Frank and Jane Haslam, Rosemary Henderson, John, Patricia and Tim Hodgkinson, Lesley Knox, Mike and Molly Lewis, Roger and Janette Lynch, Navin and Beverley Mehta, Sheila Moss, Frances Presley, Richard, Claire, Jonathan and Rebecca Pric,e Julian, Katie, Freddie and Ellie Rickard, Angela Rive, Jill Rosser, Judith Sandoe,
Chris and Janine Stagg, Derrick and Jane Summerfield,John and Sheila Sutherland, Anne Thomson, Matt Toerien, Doug and Caroline Waters, James, Helen and Joshua Waters, Matthew and Claire Waters, Eric and Pat Weetman.
News from the Fairtrade Foundation
The first ever shipment of African Fairtrade gold from Uganda has been delivered. In 2016, Syanyonja Artisan Miners Alliance (SAMA) co-operative in Uganda became the first ever African gold mine to become Fairtrade certified. It's been a long road from mine to market but soon African miners will get the same benefits as their Fairtrade counterparts in South America.
Life is tough for small-scale gold miners. Miners often work with their bare hands, forced to accept low, unfair prices from middle men. Gold mining is often the only form of employment and miners earn as little as 50p a day. But with support from Fairtrade the formerly illegal miners are now registered with the local government and the improvements have been transformational.
Joseph Waffula, General Secretary of SAMA, is looking forward to the changes Fairtrade certification will bring. "When we get a Fairtrade price we'll be able to educate our children, and the community will also benefit as we'll be able to support the health centre in Busitema. We'd like to support the orphans with exercise books. Even buying an extra 12 books makes a big difference."
The potential for Fairtrade Gold to change this industry is huge - from rings on fingers to parts in phones and even types of medical treatment! But the biggest change will be for the miners themselves.
In the words of Simon Wabwire, Chairman of SAMA: "It was like a dream to be certified - we worked hard. It was unbelievable when we heard."
If you, or anyone you know, are looking to buy something special at Christmas (or any time of year) why not think about Fairtrade gold?
Search on line
Now that's going for gold.
Harri, Supporter Team, Fairtrade Foundation
Carol Coslett
The Revd Canon Carol Coslett has been appointed as the next Archdeacon of Chesterfield, succeeding the Venerable Christine Wilson, who is now Dean of Lincoln Cathedral. Carol is currently Rector of the United Benefice of Betchworth and Buckland in the Diocese of Southwark, an Honorary Canon of Southwark Cathedral, as well as serving as an Acting Archdeacon, Assistant Area Dean of Reigate Deanery, and Diocesan Faith in the Countryside Rural Officer. In these roles she has gained a great deal of experience which will assist her in her new position.
Some of you will remember Carol from her time here as a choir member and Reader, 1986-2001. Her father Chris Slater was Organist. More about this appointment can be seen at
Frank Haslam
Autumn Fayre
A big thank you to all of you who came along to our Parish Autumn Fayre in October. The weather was kind to us again and there was such a lovely atmosphere in our bustling community event. I am glad to announce that together we raised about £5,500. Our stallholders and their helpers did an amazing job once again to make all our visitors welcome and enjoy the afternoon, so I would like to send big thanks to all of you who put in so much effort - you know who you are!
Christmas Greenery
We shall be decorating the church for Christmas on Saturday 16th December and as always will welcome anyone who would like to join us. Gifts of greenery, and holly (especially variegated) with or without berries, gratefully received. We stop for coffee and mince pies mid-morning and hope to see you there.
Many thanks, Jill Goodchild
Church Notes - November 2017
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the November 1917 magazine
Notes from the Belfry November 2017
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church especially The Golden Age of Song on 22 Nov and Jan 31 please click on The Friends
Building Project Update - from the November 2017 magazine
We are pleased to report that the planning application was submitted to Mole Valley District Council on 6th October.
Survey Reports
We have received the desktop studies for electrical, drainage and water services, which will allow the design to proceed to connect the church to the main services external to the church.
Ground Penetrating Radar Survey: This survey of the Nave took place in mid October. The new location for the Parker Organ was also surveyed to make certain that the slab is structurally sound to support the organ in its new position. Surveys are awaited.
The ground in the churchyard where the new amenity block will be built has been surveyed to establish the location of any graves in the area. This will allow the design of the foundations to be carried out so that we avoid any graves during the construction process.
Art Conservation Survey: Specialists in art conservation visited the church last month to determine if there are any wall paintings under the present paintwork. Their conclusion was that there are no hidden paintings remaining. They will be making recommendations on the restoration of the paintings on the chancel arch and the leather bound trunk near the high altar. Paint samples were taken to look at the possibility of returning the columns and arches in the nave back to natural stone.
A prospective kitchen supplier attended October's design meeting with the architect, and the kitchen design was discussed in detail.
Church 2018 Calendar
As part of our fundraising we have published a 2018 calendar in partnership with Royal British Legion Industries. Order forms are available from the church office or on the web site.
We are also grateful to RBLI staff, who helped to distribute the new Making History slimline leaflets to every household in the Parish. It's so important that we continue to involve the whole community in our project.
The Project Team
Cement the Future - Would you like to be remembered for the next 1000 years?
As part of the fundraising for the Making History building project, Leatherhead Parish Church is offering a unique opportunity for you or a loved one to be remembered for years to come. Are you looking for an extra special way to celebrate an important family event? If so, you can have a lasting dedication placed beneath a flagstone in the new floor.
Pick up a leaflet in church or download from the website or call John on 01372 373083.
Mothers' Union
1st November (All Saints Day) Ian will be coming along to our meeting and taking part in a "Desert Island theme" meeting.
We will also have a raffle.
6th December we will have a Christmas get-together.
All meetings begin at 2.30pm, all are welcome.
Jane Summerfield
Tickets £10.00 including Supper Family £15.00
Available from Sue Roberts, Linda Hauxwell,
Holly Barton, or The Parish Office
This Year the Christmas card charity shop opens on Saturday November 4th
AS USUAL IT Will be in the parish church hall.
News from LYP
Joe moving on to pastures new
We have exciting news to share with you: for the last four years Joe Crome, our General Manager, has been very successfully leading the LYP team, through a number of changes of staff, roles and activities. Joe has accepted an excellent opportunity to start working for the Community Foundation for Surrey as their Director of Philanthropy. All of us at LYP are very pleased for Joe who will be able to use all his skills in the new role and we see that this will build on the already strong relationship which exists between LYP and the Foundation. The Directors and staff of LYP will work hard to make sure that we continue to provide an excellent service to the young people of Leatherhead, Bookham and across Mole Valley during this transition.
LYP under Joe's leadership has become recognised as one of the leading providers of youth work in Surrey, recognised for the high quality of its work, reliability, and commitment to providing the best opportunities for our young people. We are committed to continue this development and to keep improving.
This is a very exciting opportunity for Joe, Jude and the girls, and we all at LYP wish them every success, as they move on to a new phase of their lives supporting the communities across Surrey. Jude will continue to be an important part of the LYP team as our One to One counselling service Manager.
Doug Waters, Chairman of the LYP Board of Directors has issued the following statement on behalf of the LYP Board:
The LYP Board of Directors wish to inform you that Joe Crome, our General Manager, has resigned and will leave the charity in December to take up a position with the Community Foundation for Surrey. We are delighted that Joe has this opportunity to progress his career and we will support him in the transition.
The Board is aware that Joe has held an extremely important role for the charity over the last few years and he will be greatly missed by the staff, our funders, the Directors, and the young people. The Directors are reviewing the impact on the charity, discussing how to manage Joe's departure, while ensure we continue to provide excellent service to the young people of Leatherhead.
LYP has been delivering youth work for over 12 years and the Board of Directors and the staff are committed to ensuring we continue supporting the young people of Leatherhead, Bookham and Mole Valley for many years to come and hope that we can rely on your continued support.
Keeping History Readable for the Next Thousand Years
Last month we had our family holiday in North Wales. Whilst there, I took my sons to visit their great-grandparents' grave at St Trillo's Church, Rhos-on-Sea.
I was a little anxious because when I last went there with my mother about 25 years ago the graveyard was rather overgrown and Mum had been a bit upset at the state of the grave. This time, however, the grounds looked neat and tidy and we could read the epitaph which had been there since May 1928.
I wandered down to the two stones marking the graves of Gran's best friend and her husband. He, Victor Wilde, had been a kind and philanthropic man who did a lot for the people of Rhos. He had been given the "freedom of the town" for his good works and this was written on his marker stone. Sadly, it could not be read as grass and soil had steadily crept up the stone. We tried to clear it away but we needed a better tool than the end of my umbrella (which I broke!). What a shame that other visitors to St Trillo's wouldn't be able to read about this special man.
Back at Leatherhead, as you will know, Frank Haslam has asked for volunteers to help clear the ashes memorial tablets in our churchyard. Now I know why! So, on Friday, after tennis (!) when the sun was still shining, Ben, Sam and I went down for just an hour to clear a few of the tablets. They have got so overgrown. They do need attention now, and then it will be easier to keep them tidy in the future.
We have pledged to go down again and hope that others will help Frank and his team. It is important that we keep these areas in check, the names and dates visible for descendants to read. I've only twice in 30 years been to help Frank tidy up the churchyard: Saturday morning church duties drop way down the list behind cricket, tennis, boys' activities, family commitments, and fun with friends, but I do have other spare moments during the week. An hour per month isn't a lot. I was so thrilled that my grandparents' grave was being looked after and now I can reciprocate their work at our church in Leatherhead.
Can you?
Diana Gale
Church Notes - October 2017
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the October 1917 magazine
There was no Church Matters article in the October 2017 magazine - for the Making History project see below
Notes from the Belfry October 2017
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church especially The Golden Age of Song on 22 Nov and Jan 31 please click on The Friends
Monthly Update on plans for the reordering of the church - from the October 2017 magazine
Building Project Update
This month was relatively quiet on the design and construction side of the project, but publicity and marketing activities were stepped up for the public launch of the Making History project.
Survey Reports.
The reports from the surveys mentioned last month have been received.
Environmental Assessment Survey: The report concluded that the work exterior to the church would have no detrimental effects on the natural inhabitants of the area involved. No evidence of bat activity was found. It was noted that the listed chest tombs in the area of the toilet block site had a lot of bramble growth, which must be cleared before the next bird nesting season.
Existing Rainwater Drainage Survey: This survey to ensure that it will cope with extra demands has been carried out. Design is now in hand to provide foul drainage from the toilet block and the kitchen.
Ground Penetrating Radar Survey: We have been given permission by the Diocese to unscrew the pews and move them aside so that a ground penetrating radar survey can be carried out in the nave, the north and south aisles and the outside areas where the toilet block will be built. The pews will be replaced and re-screwed to the floor when the work is completed. The work will be carried out mid-week and may have even been completed by the time this update is published! Again, this is a measure to avoid surprises when we dig up the floor.
Making History in the Swan Shopping Centre
On the first Saturday in September we took our new Making History banner into the Swan Shopping Centre. During the day we were able to inform people about the building project and invite them to church events scheduled for Heritage Open Days the following week.
Heritage Open Days - Public Launch
Nearly 300 people visited the church over the Heritage Weekend. It was great talking to so many visitors who had come to find out more about our historic church. Meeting people who had memories of being married or who had children baptised in our church was a particular joy - especially one lady back visiting from Australia! We really appreciate the support of the flower arrangers, bell ringers, catering team, and everyone else who helped to make the weekend such a great success.
PR Coverage
We were pleased that both the Dorking & Leatherhead Advertiser and Surrey Mirror published a news story about the project in the lead up to the Heritage Weekend.
The Great Community Mural
Sadly our entry did not win the competition this time around.
Flagstone Dedications
Initial reactions to our new fundraising initiative have been very positive. Lots of people have enquired about the unique opportunity of having loved ones remembered this way for posterity. Application forms are now available in church. We'd encourage you to talk to friends and neighbours about the scheme. More information is available from the Project Team, which will have a stall at the Parish Church Autumn Fayre.
Getting the Message Out to Everyone
We have published a new slimline leaflet about the project, which we would like to put through the door of every house in the Parish. Please contact the Team if you can help distribute these in roads near you.
The Project Team
Parish Church Hall Committee
As you know, the Parish Church Hall will be used from early in the New Year as our place of worship, while the Parish Church is being refurbished. This means that most of the moveable items in the Church will have to be removed, and stored in the Parish Church Hall.
It is therefore absolutely essential that everything is removed from the Hall, not only from underneath the stage, but also from ALL the cupboards and rooms at the back of and behind the stage. We ask that all items stored anywhere in the Hall be removed by Monday 16 October - after that date the Committee will remove and dispose of whatever is left. This time span takes into account the Autumn Fayre on 14 October.
Leatherhead Parish Church Hall Committee
In conjunction with the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church
Pip Burley presents "The Golden Age of Song"
Celebrating the lives and work of the four greatest songwriters who ever lived
WEDNESDAY 22nd NOVEMBER & WEDNESDAY 31st JANUARY 2018 Parish Church Hall Leatherhead at 7.30pm
Pip Burley pays tribute to the lives, words and music of Jerome Kern, Irving Berlin, Cole Porter and George Gershwin - four men who defined popular music during the first half of the last century.
Come and enjoy their beautiful songs - as fresh and inspiring today as when they were first written - and hear about the triumphs and tragedies of these musical geniuses who cast their spell on us all.
Lavishly accompanied with slides and videos of their lives and music, with occasional illustrations on the piano.
Wednesday 22nd November 2017 - Jerome Kern & Irving Berlin Wednesday 31st January 2018 - Cole Porter & George Gershwin Tickets: £15pp for each Concert. All proceeds to the Parish Church
Wine and Nibbles included in the ticket price and served during the interval
Instead of spending life as an engineer, Pip chose the world of music and the media. His colourful career has included performing with The Beatles, working in cabaret in the West End and on cruise ships with Joe Loss, as well as composing for commercials on radio and TV. He was also artistic director for the National Trust at Polesden Lacey.
In the 1980s he devised and produced hit TV shows such as A Touch of Frost and The Darling Buds of May, for which he also composed much of the music, winning an Ivor Novello Award.
Pip has been a featured lecturer onboard The Queen Elizabeth and The Queen Victoria presenting his series of lectures entitled "The Golden Age of Song". He enjoys putting his audience at ease with talks that are informative and informal -and, above all, highly entertaining!
Pip was honoured to be appointed Chief Barker of Variety Club of Great Britain in its 50th Anniversary year. He lives in Headley and is married with three daughters and
five grandchildren (soon to be six!).
Telephone bookings - phone L376640
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the September 1917 magazine
There was no Church Matters article in the September 2017 magazine - for the Making History project see below
Notes from the Belfry September 2017
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Monthly Update on plans for the reordering of the church - from the September 2017 magazine
Building Project Update
This month sees the Making History campaign being launched to the wider community in Leatherhead. Given the historical and cultural significance of the Parish church, we want to inspire as many local people and businesses as possible to get behind the project.
Gift Day surpasses £100,000
Thank you! Total gifts, including gift aid has reached £105,560.
Do we dare to believe that we can raise £100,000 excluding gift aid to reach a sum of £125,000? This would enable us to fill in another segment on our funding logo at the back of church.
Heritage Open Days - Public Launch
Members of the project team will be on hand to discuss the proposed plans and listen to ideas for wider community use of the re-ordered church. Please invite your family and friends to come along as it promises to be a memorable weekend.
Flagstone Dedications
A new fundraising initiative launches this month. For a minimum donation of £250, people will be able to have a lasting dedication (with a message of their choosing) placed beneath a flagstone in the new floor. We anticipate this rare opportunity will attract donations from the wider community. The number of stones is strictly limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Church & Community Art Competition
Another exciting venture is the art competition run by insurers, Ecclesiastical. Our entry has been created with help from a local artist, the beading group, holiday club children and parents, LYP and others. We've no idea if our entry will win any money for our project, but all entries will form part of a giant mural to be exhibited at cathedrals across the country.
Design Proposals
The progress of all mechanical, electrical and audio visual design proposals were discussed at a design meeting on 2nd August. The basic designs as presented were approved with some small comments, and detailed design is now in progress.
The Tower rooms have undergone further design development to accommodate the comments of conservation agencies and the requirements of the bell ringers. Ingeniously the Architect has concealed a projector within the structure of the first floor balcony.
Contracts have been approved for an asbestos survey. The ecology survey has been carried out and a report will be submitted to the architect and to the Mole Valley council. A camera survey of the existing rainwater drainage system has also been carried out.
All design drawings, the statement of needs and the statement of significance documents have all been submitted to the DAC, The Victorian Society, Historic England, Church Buildings Council, and the Mole Valley conservation officer for information and comment prior to application for faculty.
A prospective construction contractor has visited the church to help in our discussions for setting up the construction site.
The Project Team
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the August 1917 magazine
There was no Church Matters article in the August 2017 magazine - for the Making History project see below
Notes from the Belfry August 2017
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Monthly Update on plans for the reordering of the church - from the August 2017 magazine
Building Project Update
As reported last month, the detailed design of the project is now proceeding at a good pace.
Building Meetings
The first meeting with the mechanical/electrical and audio-visual engineer took place in the church on 28th June and the engineer will present his detailed design to the Project Team on 2nd August.
Surveys Commissioned
A number of surveys have been commissioned including: an asbestos survey to avoid any surprises during construction, a survey of existing drainage to ensure that it will cope with extra demands, and a desk based survey of all services associated with the church site required for the planning application and Faculty.
Feedback from Interested Parties
A report has been received from the Church Buildings Council with a couple of concerns about the design. A considered reply is being coordinated by the architect in order to encourage a further meeting with them to explain our approach to the proposed re-ordering.
The programme for the project has slipped slightly but it is still expected to start in January 2018 providing we have sufficient funding in place.
Gift Day raises £86,678.75
Our fundraising efforts ramped up a gear in July with members of our congregation and the electoral roll being asked to make personal pledges and donations to the Making History building project. We raised £86,678.75 including 25% Gift Aid at the Gift Day held on Sunday 2nd July. Additional donations continue to come in, so we're hoping by the time you read this we will have reached our goal of £100,000 for this event.
Open Gardens Fundraiser
A week later, on Sunday 9th July, the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church held their Open Garden event. The weather was fantastic and visitor numbers substantially up on 2016. We are delighted that a proportion of the funds raised are intended for the building project.
Fundraising Initiatives
Over the summer the PCC is encouraging supporters to run their own fundraising initiatives. Individual activities, sponsorships or collective challenges, however large or small, will help to spread the word about the project, as well as adding to funds. While any member of the PCC or Project Team will be happy to discuss your fundraising ideas with you, John Hampton has offered to act as Events Coordinator. Therefore please share your plans with him to avoid duplication, and to ensure that your initiative receives the right level of support and publicity.
Other Ways to Give
EasyFundraising: As the name suggests this is an easy way to raise funds every time you shop online with many major brands. It costs you nothing, so please consider signing up:
BT My Donate: Donate online via our charity fundraising page:
Alternatively you can set up an associated fundraising page to track what you or your group raises toward the project. This is particularly useful for sponsored activities.
Public Launch Event
We will be launching the Making History campaign to the wider community over the Heritage Weekend, with three free family-friendly events on 9th-10th September:
• Children's Activity Morning: Sat 10:00am - midday (includes local fire engine and crew)
• Cheese & Wine Evening Sat 7:30pm - 9:30pm (free tickets from the Parish Office)
• Afternoon Tea Sun 2:00pm - 4:00pm (Parker Organ recital at 3pm)
Please bring guests to some or all of these events, which will showcase the rich heritage that our medieval church has to offer and help to raise additional funds.
We welcome questions from Parish magazine readers and the wider community, so don't hold back! We are happy to meet with anyone interested in finding out more.
The Project Team
Leatherhead Open Gardens Day 9th July 2017
Is it surprising that the weather is such a constant topic of conversation in this country? Last year on Leatherhead Open Gardens Day we endured rain and record low temperatures, this year it was quite the reverse, sunshine from dawn to dusk and temperatures which made Leatherhead hotter than Southern Spain. That of course came after every gardener's nightmare: no rain apart from the odd shower for almost two months. But that is why we love our country, our gardens...and our constantly unpredictable weather.
Superlatives were the order of the day on Sunday 9th July. Spectacular garden design and some unique locations; a colossal range of perfect roses, dahlias, hollyhocks, pelargoniums, petunias, phlox, verbena and grasses; sculpture and formality combined with flower meadows and cottage garden bedding which would have challenged even Gertrude Jekyll to improve upon; expert use of space and productive vegetable and fruit plots squeezed into the tiniest of plots....visitors to Leatherhead Gardens were spoilt for choice. This and the fact that, in combination with a Vintage Bus Running Day, nearly all the gardens were linked via a regular bus service...and just when during the afternoon it began to get altogether too hot the combined FLPC and Church Catering Team were able to offer hot and cold drinks and a delicious selection of homemade cakes, flapjacks and biscuits in the comparative cool of the Parish Church.
The Friends and our co-sponsors the Leatherhead Residents Association thank all our local garden owners for their amazing hard work in trying circumstances, their helpers on the day, and all the members of the Church family who contributed their time, and sales and marketing skills to make this year's Open Gardens not just a financial success but such an enjoyable experience for the hundred plus visitors.
We are already making plans for 2018. Will you join in next year?
Chris Evans, Chairman FLPC
Parish Church Hall Committee
As you must be aware by now, the Parish Church Hall will be used from early in the New Year as our place of worship during the time of the refurbishment of the Parish Church, which could be anything up to a year. This will inevitably mean that a great deal of the moveable things in the Church will have to be taken out, and much of it will need to be stored in the Parish Church Hall.
Because of this it is absolutely essential that everything must be cleared out, not only from underneath the stage, but also from ALL the cupboards and rooms at the back of and behind the stage. We are asking that any individual or group items stored anywhere in the Hall be removed by Monday 16 October.
News from the Fairtrade Foundation:
On 24 June 2017 the Government pledged that it would help improve access to UK markets for the world's poorest countries when the UK leaves the European Union. It is committed to protect current trading relationships, keep prices in check, and help build our trading partners of the future.
The statement means that around 48 countries across the globe, from Bangladesh to Sierra Leone, Haiti and Ethiopia will continue to benefit from duty-free exports into the UK on all goods (other than arms and ammunition). On leaving the EU the UK Government will also explore options to expand relationships with developing countries such as Jamaica, Pakistan, and Ghana - all of which currently benefit from a mixture of reduced or zero tariffs on the goods they export to the UK - as well as maintaining existing trading arrangements and avoiding costly tariffs.
International Trade Secretary, Liam Fox, said that our departure is an opportunity to step up our commitment to the rest of the world not step away from them. Free and fair trade has been the greatest liberator of the world's poor, and this announcement shows our commitment to helping developing countries grow their economies and reduce poverty through trade.
On being a Brandenburg Ambassador
The title sounds very grand doesn't it! However, it is really fun and I have been able to experience many different types of music in some fantastic venues, and meet some lovely people both within the Brandenburg family and amongst the audiences. Bob Porter heads up the festivals, and his extremely efficient box office manager works really hard to ensure that all goes smoothly.
In my role as ambassador I have visited various wonderful places -churches including St Martin in the Fields, St Sepulchre, The American Church, and St Paul's in Covent Garden - with a mix of choral music. I heard a folk group, a gospel choir, and different youth choirs at fringe events at a London pub, a private club, and in the Crypt Cafe of St Martin, and all for free. The only cost is travel, and if I want to purchase refreshments.
Also, being an ambassador has led to me being involved in various activities to do with the choral festival, from selling programmes to signing up people to the Brandenburg email mailing list; plus washing up, serving drinks, tidying up, administrative work, and entering data on to a spreadsheet ready for the marketing manager.
I love music and I love meeting people and gaining new experiences and I would highly recommend anyone signing up as an ambassador. There are two festivals a year, an Autumn one which commences in September and a Spring one that leads on from that right up to May.
There is a brochure and an emailed list for those who are ambassadors to choose which concerts and how often they wish to offer. I work full time but have found that there is great flexibility in acceptance of what I can offer.
I would definitely recommend anyone to give it a go. More information can be found on the Brandenburg website page: or if you want to see what's on the menu you can go to the Brandenburg Spring Festival page.
Juliet Campbell
Church Notes - July 2017
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the July 1917 magazine
There was no Church Matters article in the July 2017 magazine
Notes from the Belfry July 2017
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Monthly Update on plans for the reordering of the church - from the July 2017 magazine
We are pleased to report that the Diocesan Advisory Council (DAC) has now submitted its report on the proposed re-ordering of the church.
The DAC supports the changes and re-affirms its support for the plan for the interior, subject to their seeing the detailed designs in due course. The DAC supports the plan to create an annexe attached to the nave on the south side; however they were concerned about the modern design of the annexe exterior. In a subsequent conversation with the DAC they were advised that a radical re-design and cost saving had been implemented (a one storey annexe to accommodate toilets) and the revised design would be submitted for their and the Mole Valley planning authority approval in due course.
As reported last month the complete design and budget estimate was presented to and approved by the PCC on 31st March. The basic design is now complete and agreed with the Architect and the first detailed design team meeting took place on 1st June. The designers of the various aspects of the project were instructed to carry out the detailed design and specification phase, which will lead to the preparation of the drawings and documents, which will allow us to seek contractors tenders for the work.
The archaeology consultant has requested a ground penetration radar survey of the nave and the ground where the new annexe will be situated. This action will help to mitigate the risk of discovering human remains during the construction process, which would stop the works and incur extra cost and delay to the works. This work will be carried out in the next two months.
With the building design work well in hand, the project team has been preparing for the launch of the Making History funding campaign.
In advance of the Gift Day members of the congregation and the Electoral Roll all received a leaflet detailing the finalised reordering and building scheme. Enhanced by the use of graphics and artist's impressions, it shows how the Church will look on completion.
If you have not received a copy of the Building Project leaflet they are available in Church or from the Parish Office. If you need more copies to distribute to friends and family or neighbours just ask.
By the time this is published we will know how much was raised on the Gift Day on 2nd July. But there's still time to give. (Check out the new display boards in church for all the latest information.)
Over the coming months we anticipate cash donations, covenants, and pledges to continue coming in. Along with our planned programme of fundraising activities over the summer we are aiming to raise a church family target of £125,000.
To achieve more we will need your help in spreading the message ever wider, and participation in fundraising initiatives. At the PCC Away Day on 17th June members discussed fundraising ideas, but we welcome more! Please contact any member of the PCC or Project Team if you have ideas or would like to help.
In September, to coincide with Heritage Open Day, we will extend our appeal within Leatherhead and Surrey. Please put the Cheese & Wine evening on Saturday 9th September in your diaries and invite your friends. Tickets are free and available from the Parish Office.
We hope you are excited by what is planned, and look forward to welcoming you to our reclaimed medieval church with 21st century amenities.
We welcome questions from Parish magazine readers and the wider community, so don't hold back! We are happy to meet with anyone interested in finding out more.
The Project Team
No Longer Used Hymn Books - from the August 2017 magazine
Last year we had well over 700 hymn books stored under the stage in the Hall that were no longer being used by the Choir or the congregation. They were in various stages of repair, or should I say disrepair, and we weeded out the ones that were no longer any use to anyone. This left us with over 500 to try and find homes for.
The editor of The Grapevine was very good to us and advertised them several times, and as a result we were able to give quite a large number to a few parishes nearby. However, we do have 279 copies of Hymns Ancient and Modern left, all in reasonably good condition - a few music editions and a few large print, but mostly hard back and words only.
The Grapevine has told us that we have gone as far as we can with advertising them in that magazine, and we wondered if anyone who reads the Parish Magazine might know of a possible home for them to go to. If so please ring F Presley, D882473.
The Parish Church Hall Committee
Mothers' Union
On 7th June Beth Shutt came along and gave a great but in some ways sad talk on "Action and Outreach". Domestic Abuse can happy to anyone, male/female/young children.
If you hear of or think anyone falls into this category please pass on the Domestic Abuse Helpline 01483 776822 which is completely confidential and helps in so many ways.
If you would like to know more on the subject then please speak to Jane Summerfield either at Church, or meet up for a coffee, again in confidence.
On 5th July our Community Police Officer Bob Appleby will be with us to give a talk on "How to keep safe". We will be holding a bring and buy stall.
All are welcome to our meetings at 2.30pm on the first Wednesday of the month. If you need a lift please contact L811422.
Jane Summerfield
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 2017 - from the August 2017 magazine
On behalf of Christian Aid may I thank all those who donated this year. The envelope distribution in church resulted in 27 donations raising £283.08. Of this £187 was Gift Aided so the total benefit to Christian Aid will be £329.83.
Frank Haslam, Christian Aid Leatherhead
Church Notes - June 2017
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the June 1917 magazine
Church Matters article in the June 2017 magazine
Notes from the Belfry June 2017
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friendsx
Making History - Monthly Update on plans for the reordering of the church - from the June 2017 magazine
There is so much to tell you since our March meetings, when the project team presented plans for reordering the church. We are therefore moving progress updates from Church Matters to this new regular column.
The Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) visited in April. At the time of writing we are still awaiting their report, however attendees were broadly supportive of the plans agreed by the PCC last month, only suggesting that the annexe design be slightly "finessed". During a subsequent meeting with the MVDC planning officer, he suggested that the size of the proposed annexe might also be a point of contention for the planning committee.
During the same period we received revised QS costings for the whole project. The cost for the annexe seemed disproportionately high in relation to the church costs for the amount of extra meeting space gained on the second floor, so we have asked the architect to draw up an alternative one storey extension purely to accommodate much needed toilets. Although less ambitious in scope, it would satisfy our need for amenities and result in a smaller extension more in keeping with the architecture of the church building. This new design is currently being costed, however we expect a cost saving of circa £500,000. The project team is strongly minded to recommend the amended design to the PCC before forwarding to the DAC.
A revised programme has been received from the architect showing that the construction contract will be signed at the end of 2017 in order for work in the church to begin at the end of January 2018 with completion scheduled for the end of October 2018. There are many obstacles to be overcome with the statutory authorities to achieve these dates, but we are all working together to complete this exciting project within budget and on time.
Funding has also been at the forefront of everyone's minds. We recently visited The Lottery Heritage Fund to consult with a SE Regional Co-ordinator regarding our project. You may have read in the news that they are imminently closing the Places of Worship Fund, so only buildings in an extremely poor state of urgent repair are now being considered. As our project does not include any major heritage restoration we were encouraged to make an application for heritage interpretation once the building project is underway. The guidance was helpful if not a little disappointing in terms of funding for building work.
There are several smaller grant-making bodies that we are still intending to approach, but we require our internal funding base to be just a little larger than currently raised in order to proceed with match funding. We have now planned a Congregation Building Project Gift Day for Sunday 2nd July 2017.
More details about this will follow in due course. We will also be approaching the congregation and members of the electoral roll to consider undertaking small low key fundraising activities over the summer in the lead up to our Community Launch over the Heritage Weekend in September.
As with any major project it's two steps forward and one step back, but we continue to head in the right direction in our desire to make history for the next 1000 years.
If you have any questions, great ideas to suggest, or would like to join the fundraising or marketing team please get in touch with anyone on the project team.
The Project Team
The Charity Boards in the Tower of the Church of St Mary and St Nicholas, Leatherhead - from the June 2017 magazine
Ann Steed wrote an interesting article in a recent edition of "For Church and Town" about the Charity Boards in the belfry ringing chamber and wondered if any of the charities were still active. Though some of the ancient charities indeed may have succumbed by investing in what became the South Sea Bubble fortunately eight are still active, incorporated in The Leatherhead United Charities, together with five others not on the Boards.
Four hundred years later they are still providing pensions and grants to the citizens of Leatherhead, and accommodation in four almshouses. Two of these are situated on either side of the Parish Hall, another is in Fortyfoot Road, and the fourth is in Church Walk. They are the successors of the original almshouse provided by Henry Boulton two hundred years ago, located "to the north of the town".
Even the current trustees mirror those of 1608 when the first charity was formed by John Skeete's legacy - the Rector is a trustee ex officio, three are appointed by Mole Valley DC (the successors of the Parish Vestry Council), and three are chosen from "the discreet inhabitants of Leatherhead".
The almshouse residents are aged over 55, have been residents of Mole Valley District, and need local accommodation.
The United Charities' income is generated from the investment of legacies and donations given over the centuries, but also from John Skeete's legacy which was used to buy a field where Surbiton now stands.
The original donors, some of whose names are recorded in the church tower, would be well pleased that their wishes are still observed!
John Henderson Trustee of the Leatherhead United Charities
Church Notes - May 2017
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the May 1917 magazine
Church Matters article in the May 2017 magazine
Notes from the Belfry May 2017
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Pilgrims Return - from the May Parish magazine
In February four of us (Charles and Sally Milner, Sue Roberts and myself) joined a pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by the Rt Revd Michael Lewis, Bishop of Cyprus and the Gulf. I chose to take advantage of a 3 day extension to Jordan.
We left Leatherhead at the unearthly hour of 4.15am (worse was to follow!) for our 5 hour flight from Heathrow to Tel Aviv, arriving there in early afternoon (local time). After a tedious wait for passport control we emerged from the terminal to be welcomed by Bishop Michael who escorted us to the coach, where fellow pilgrims from Cyprus were waiting, for the drive to Jerusalem.
I think we all have our own highlights of our time in the Holy Land. Mine started on the first full day with the steepness of the descent from the Mount of Olives, now a paved track which had become slippery after rain -we wondered how the donkey had managed it! We visited the Garden of Gethsemane with its ancient olive trees (and some younger saplings), and the church of St Peter in Gallicantu (the site of the High Priest's house) and descended to the deep pit where Jesus would have been held after his arrest.
The following day we visited Hebron in the Palestinian West Bank, which was a real eye-opener. We were shown around by a leader of the Palestinian Women's Co-operative, who later entertained us to lunch in her home. We were appalled at the treatment received by the Palestinians, who are being driven out of their homes and have to pass through checkpoints to get to other sectors of the town. We walked along deserted streets with boarded-up shops which we were assured had previously been thriving. After this we were embarrassed by the generous hospitality of our hosts.
In Jerusalem one of the highlights was walking the Stations of the Cross along the Via Dolorosa finishing up at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Because of the crowds of tourists there most of the party returned to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at 6am the next morning (Sunday). We entered the Church to find ourselves surrounded by the sound of liturgies being intoned by a variety of communities - Ethiopian Copts, Armenian and Greek Orthodox - in different areas of the building, a truly wonderful and spiritual moment. We were able to complete our visit in greater comfort. After breakfast back at our hotel we attended Holy Communion at St George's Anglican Cathedral, which was a joyful service conducted in a mixture of English and Arabic, with Bishop Michael as the guest preacher.
After the service we left Jerusalem to drive to Tiberias, via Jacob's Well, for the second part of our Holy Land visit in Galilee, where we visited a number of places which would have been well known to Jesus, including Nazareth and the site of Capernaum. We were driven over the Golan Heights to the site of Caesarea Philippi and were taken up the winding ascent of Mount Tabor (the mount of the Transfiguration) by minibus where we enjoyed the magnificent views over the plain of Armageddon. Bishop Michael celebrated the Eucharist on the shores of the Sea of Galilee at Tabgha, near the Church of the Loaves and Fishes, and visited the Convent of Beatitudes' church and gardens. We returned to Tiberias by boat across the Sea of Galilee.
The following day Charles, Sally and Sue returned to the UK while I accompanied other members of the group crossing into Jordan. We visited the ruins of the Roman city of Jerash, and had our final celebration of Holy Communion at Bethany beyond the Jordan, where John the Baptist baptised Jesus. The following day we visited Mount Nebo, from which Moses viewed the Promised Land, and Madaba, where we saw the mosaic map of the Middle East. We then moved on to Petra, where we had a full day exploring the site. The first sight of the Treasury from the Siq is breathtaking. When we emerged into the open space we found a Jordanian television crew filming a detachment of "Nabatean guards" marching around. We went on past the theatre and the royal tombs to the city of Petra, to the restaurant where we had lunch. After lunch some of us returned to the entrance to the site and spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the museum and the shops, while others climbed up (or took a donkey ride) to the monastery.
We all had an early night as we had to start at 3am next morning for the drive to Amman Airport for our flight home.
Visiting so many of the places associated with Jesus or mentioned elsewhere in the Bible brings them vividly to mind whenever I come across them in Bible readings, which will never seem quite the same again.
Anne Thomson
Church Notes - April 2017
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the April 1917 magazine
Church Matters article in the April 2017 magazine
Notes from the Belfry April 2017
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Dancing in the Aisles - from the April 2017 magazine
Following the success of Jubilate in 2013, we are thrilled to announce our next Flower and Music Festival weekend. Entitled Dancing in the Aisles it will be held in Leatherhead Parish Church on 5-7th May.
The church will be open all day every day for you to come and admire the beautiful flower arrangements. Entry will be free and there will be a donation plate by the door.
On Friday night there will be a concert given by The Ashtead Singers, a much loved and admired local ensemble, with wine and nibbles in the interval.
On Saturday afternoon we are planning our fourth "Organfest", with talented organists showing our wonderful Thomas Parker organ off to its best advantage.
Then in the evening you are invited to come and "Dance in the Aisles" as the local band Inside Out, led by Dennis Wickham, play big band sound. Come and sit and enjoy the music, or dance in the aisles. There will be a cold buffet available half way through the evening.
On Sunday morning there will be a joyful and celebratory 10.30am service and at 3pm a delicious cream tea will round off the weekend.
Final times and ticket prices for the concerts will be available in April either on our website:
All proceeds will be going towards our VISION2020, so please do come and support what promises to be a joyful weekend.
Leatherhead Start - known as LHS - from the April 2017 magazine
In the five years since the old Night Hostel building was transformed so that homeless people can access the help they need to find a new life so much has happened.
To start with each client has the security and comfort of his or her own room, and can stay there for up to six months, or sometimes more, but even more important is the understanding and encouragement provided by the support workers, and then also the chance to acquire new skills, and to find practical ways of dealing with problems.
Each client is expected to attend the Tenancy Preparation course, for many have never been taught how to budget, or even how to keep a place clean. Some have long standing needs, medical or educational, which are tackled. Some need the opportunity and confidence to acquire new skills or qualifications.
A few of the clients learn to read, with the help of a volunteer, others are learning to cook, or working on the allotment and then making and selling pickles with the produce. Some have been able to attend courses at Nescot, others have been supported through drug addiction recovery, or medical treatments, and a number have been encouraged to volunteer in worthwhile projects. The aim is for everyone to be enabled to find a home, and also to contribute to the welfare of their community.
Another innovation has been the "outings", such as a visit to Kew Gardens or to the Mary Rose Museum in Portsmouth, arranged by volunteers, which have been stimulating as well as interesting.
These achievements are due to the devotion and dedication of the Manager, and every member of the staff, as well as the many volunteers, inspired by the love of God for all his children.
"LeatherHEAD START NEWS" is a fascinating document, printed quarterly, giving an account of the work, and of individuals who have been helped to find a new home and also a new life. There will be copies in Church during April - please do read it, and perhaps you will also find inspiration.
Christine Bryant
Holly Barton
We are so pleased to welcome our new Children and Families Worker, Holly Barton, who has joined us to lead and develop our connections and links with the families in the parish. She is a qualified primary school teacher who then moved to Oxford to be Children's Pastor at St Aldates where she was for five years; this is also where she met and married Ben.
Please make yourselves known to them when you see them and help to make them feel welcome in our community.
You can contact Holly on replace AT with @ before sending
CTiL will again be running a stall in the Swan Centre (near Carphone Warehouse) on Saturday 8th April between 10.30am and 12.00 noon, giving away goodies (potted plants, cakes/cookies, balloons, etc) to demonstrate God's extravagant goodness. We will also be handing out details of Eastertide services in all the churches, and the Mole Valley Silver Band will play seasonal music.
We are appealing for bakers to produce cookies, rocky road, flapjacks, shortbread, cupcakes, etc. These will be divided into small bags which should be delivered to the stall at 10.00am on the day. If you can help, please let me know and I will provide further details.
Anne Thomson
2017 PARISH ELECTORAL ROLL UPDATE - from the April 2017 magazine
Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting is on 26th April. Any revisions to our Parish Electoral Roll have to be published by 12th April. If you think you are not on our Roll but want to be or your details have changed please contact or visit the parish office, from where you can also obtain a copy of the Electoral Roll Application Form. Alternatively if you are able to, you can print it off from
Frank Haslam, Electoral Roll Officer 29
Church Notes - March 2017
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the March 1917 magazine
Church Matters article in the March 2017 magazine
Notes from the Belfry March 2017
For the latest news from the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church please click on The Friends
Mothers' Union
1st March will be our AGM. Graham has kindly agreed to preside.
After the formalities we will have communion and the imposition of ashes. Everyone is welcome to join us for the afternoon.
5th April we have the privilege of hearing Beryl Taylor - you don't what to miss this afternoon. If anyone would like a lift please telephone L811422.
Jane Summerfield
Women's World Day of Prayer
A Service will be held on 3rd March at the Methodist Church, Church Road, at 2.30pm. This service is open to ALL. Refreshments will be available afterwards.
There will also be a Fair Trade stall.
Jane Summerfield
Vision 2020 | Transforming Church Transforming Lives | Building Project
A casual conversation while shopping this week got me thinking how much technology has developed in the last 20 years. Our son wanted to understand how the hole in the middle of a black vinyl circle played music! And I confess both my husband and I are old enough to explain this to him. Then Ian reminded me that there is more computing power in my Smartphone than was used to rescue Apollo 13. Whether we lament the loss of 33rpm long play records or can't live without our mobile phones there is no denying that the pace of change continues to accelerate.
Likewise our buildings date from a time when patterns of church life, and people's expectations, were vastly different from today. In order to support our ongoing vision of ministry and mission here in Leatherhead, we need our church and parish hall to become 'fit for purpose' in the 21st century. A warm, open and welcoming environment that includes basic facilities, such as clean accessible toilets is what people expect in their community buildings today. We are called to show the love and compassion of Jesus within our community. Of course we rightly celebrate our past achievements, but we must address the challenges and priorities facing this and future generations if we are to share the Good News we have to offer.
To understand the Journey we're on, please prioritise attendance at one of our upcoming events on Saturday 4th March at 2pm or Thursday 9th March at 7:30pm in the church.
This event will include:
This session will clearly show where and how adaptations are planned in church, however architect drawings will not be available until after they have been discussed at the March PCC meeting. It is intended that we will provide an opportunity for everyone to see the plans immediately after that.
- Initiative milestones & affirmations of God's provision to date
- An overview of changing culture and spirituality
- A walk around church highlighting the proposed architectural solution to our design brief
- Examples of similar renovations in other churches
- An opportunity for discussion and comment
We are joining a long line of Christians who have adapted our buildings for the mission of God over the past 1000 years. Please prayerfully support our project to repurpose them in order to make history for the next 1000 years.
Beverley Stonehouse
Bishop Andrew challenges parishes to transform Lent in 2017
The Bishop of Guildford's Lent Challenge 2017 aims to help deepen spiritual commitment during one of the most important periods of the Christian year - the 40 days preceding Easter - with a combination of prayer, reflection, action and fundraising for those in need both at home and abroad.
Leaflets and posters are on the way to all parishes in the diocese and a new six-week on-line Lent course will soon be available on the diocesan website
"Transformation lies at the very heart of the Christian Good News; the community transformation that emerges when Christians truly live out their calling to 'shine as a light in the world to the glory of God the Father'; the personal transformation that comes from knowing ourselves 'ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven' through the death and resurrection of God the Son; and the transformation brought about by the refreshing, renewing, disturbing work of God the Holy Spirit who 'blows where He wills', often in the most unexpected of people and places," says Bishop Andrew.
"My Lent Challenge to parishes this year draws on our diocesan vision, Transforming Church, Transforming Lives, and especially on the theological themes that underpin it: Prayer; The Mission of God; Kingdom and Church; Transformation; Growth and The People of God."
"Your generosity during last year's Lent appeal raised well over £20,000 for those less fortunate both within the diocese and abroad," added Bishop Andrew. "Please join me in praying, serving, and giving during Lent this year."
Donations to this year's Lent Challenge will be shared between:
The Bishop of Guildford's Foundation, which helps the most disadvantaged in Surrey and North East Hampshire by supporting local churches and organisations with church links which respond to local needs by developing community projects. Grants are made to a wide variety of causes, including charities working with people who have disabilities, family support projects, youth and children's workers, organisations developing employment for vulnerable people, community organisations, and projects for the homeless. Find out more online at
The Church of Nigeria - the Diocese of Guildford's long-standing link partner in the Anglican Communion - has applied for funding to build a pure water plant in Bernin, Kebbi. Apart from producing clean water for the community, the income generated from this will fund the important ongoing work of the Diocese of Kebbi, which has been badly affected by the activities of Boko Haram, an Islamic extremist group.
Look out for the Bishop's Lent Challenge leaflet and donation form in church during Lent.
Swan Handbells Spring Clean!
Recently Leatherhead Community Association invited Hannah Greenfield, a handbell ringer, to give a talk on Handbells as one of their monthly "Tea & Talks".
Members of the Swan Handbells were in the audience and were so impressed by Hannah's (fairly new American!) bells shining brilliantly in the electric light of the upstairs hall of the Institute as she performed that it was decided to make an effort to make our ancient bells shine. This we did at our first meeting of 2017. We hope that it will enhance our enjoyment of playing these, much older, bells which so many people have played before.
The [photo] shows us in our endeavours!!
Beverley Mehta
Churches Together in Leatherhead "Palm Saturday" Event
CTiL will again be running a stall in the Swan Centre (near Carphone Warehouse) on Saturday 8th April between 10.30am and noon, giving away goodies (potted plants, cakes/cookies, balloons, etc) to demonstrate God's extravagant goodness. We will also be handing out details of Eastertide services in all the churches, and the Mole Valley Silver Band will play seasonal music.
We are appealing for bakers to produce cookies, rocky road, flapjacks, shortbread, cupcakes, etc. These will be divided into small bags which should be delivered to the stall at 10am on the day. If you can help, please let me know and I will provide further details.
Anne Thomson
Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting is on 26th April. Any revisions to our Parish Electoral Roll have to be published by 12th April. If you think you are not on our Roll but want to be or your details have changed please contact or visit the parish office, from where you can also obtain a copy of the Electoral Roll Application Form. Alternatively if you are able to, you can print it off from
Frank Haslam, Electoral Roll Officer
Friday 7 April 2.30pm till 4.00pm Come for Tea and Company to Leatherhead Methodist Church EVERYONE WELCOME!
and from earlier in 2017 ...
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the February 1917 magazine
Church Matters article in the February 2017 magazine
Notes from the Belfry February 2017Missions – Past and Present - from the February 2017 magazine
As one gets to old age, one tends to spend time remembering past experiences, not necessarily with nostalgia, sometimes with new insights. But recently I have come upon a present day account that has made me want to jump with joy.
This was in the latest quarterly report of the work of the CMS (Church Mission Society) entitled “The Call”. It has a new format and looks like a newspaper, with portraits and pictures. It tells of “Pioneers” who are trained and helped to go to countries in many parts of the world to work with local Christians bringing practical help to those in need, together with the good news of the Gospel.
It made me think of my experience, over sixty years ago, when I was sent, as a Missionary, to West Africa. Because I was a qualified teacher, I joined the staff of a secondary school for girls. It was well established and had done much over the years for Christian education. But the only qualification we could train them for was English School Certificate, including, necessarily, English history. Later there would be a West African Examination Board, but these were still colonial days, and all we had to give them was the best of what was available.
Most of the teachers, especially for the junior classes, were African, but we shared very little with them apart from work. I longed to come close to families, and to do something for the hundreds of young boys, dressed only in their fathers’ old shirts, who seemed to throng the streets whenever there was a public event.
Much has changed since those days. Institutions like schools and colleges, even hospitals, have been taken over by governments. Missionaries have become known as Mission Partners, and now they are training to be Pioneers, becoming part of the local community, and bringing help, and the gospel, to meet local needs, in so many parts of the world. Some of their stories are thrilling.
Street children, families in need, business people fighting corruption, many others who want to make something of their lives, in Africa, South America, in Asia, even in Europe, are involved. There is the story also of African Christians befriending the Chinese people who are employed in the many works and businesses China has in their country and are often isolated and vulnerable.
Please look out for the next number of “The Call”, in March, to find out more about some of the ways God is sending hope and blessing to people in despair and in need.
Christine Bryant
Did You Know? - from the February 2017 magazine
It is a striking fact about church life that very little goes on without the support of unpaid volunteers. All bell ringers throughout the UK, from the biggest cathedral to the tiniest village church, devote many voluntary hours a week to practising and then ringing for services and events. Did you know, however, that there are many other tasks that ringers carry out and many other talents they need to have?For example, did you know that the church clock is wound up by hand today, just as it always has been? The clock mechanism occupies one corner of the belfry ringing chamber and is wound up every week by whichever of our ringers is feeling particularly fit and energetic. The ringer climbs on to the tall, wooden steps beside the clock case to reach the correct height at which to wield the massive handle and raise the heavy weights whose chains hang straight down to the church below.
Look up to the top of the tower and you might spot a flag flying on a mast. Did you know that the several different flags are carefully repaired by a parishioner when wind-torn and are hoisted by ringers as the occasion requires? Usually that ringer is our steeple keeper, Mike Todd. The flagpole itself rises from an all but inaccessible point on the tower roof (unless you happen to be a pigeon), so when it recently became clear that the halyard was beyond further repair it was fortuitous that Mike, with his mariner’s expertise, and Julian, an engineer, were able to devise a solution for replacing the rope safely, providing the necessary materials themselves.
Being a mariner makes Mike the ideal steeple keeper. Ringing bells inevitably results in wear and tear to our bell ropes. When they fray too much to be reliable Mike has the necessary splicing skills to join new sections to old and ensure the longest possible life for the ropes. This is no simple matter and Mike spends countless hours working on the ropes at his home, liberally coating his dining room with rope fluff in the process.
Yet as steeple keeper Mike is also responsible for the comprehensive maintenance of Leatherhead’s ten bells and their fittings, constantly ensuring that everything is in good order for all of us to ring. He checks for possible cracks in the bells, tests the integrity of the wooden stays that prevent the bells from unexpectedly revolving full circle, tightens the bolts on the bell pivots and those securing the clappers within the bells, decides when the headstocks need repainting and gets the job done along with his assistants, Julian and Stuart. All this and much more. Clappers, by the way, are the parts that strike the side of the bell. They are surprisingly heavy – it usually takes two people to lift one.
As our steeple keeper Mike commands a wide range of skills that are increasingly rare and highly valued. Thankfully, he is happy to pass them on to future generations, including all of us who have recently attended one of his entertaining rope splicing lessons.
Volunteers. Where would we be without them?
Ann Steed
Extracts from the Great War Parish Magazines - from the Januaryx 1917 magazine
Church Matters article in the Januaryx 2017 magazine
Notes from the Belfry Januaryx 2017
Poppy Appeal 2016 - from the January 2017 magazine
As I write we have banked £16,500. Thank you all, what a wonderful achievement.
Derrick & Jane Summerfield
Reminder from the December 2016 Newsletter - Ken Bryant - from the January 2017 magazine
With the assistance of his family, a page for Ken can now be seen via People > Remembrance section of the History pages of the parish website, or go to
Frank Haslam
This is the first in a short series of articles giving information and advice on various legal matters.
Has your Financial or Family Situation recently changed? You may need to reconsider your Will - from the January 2017 magazine
Have you recently married or entered into a civil partnership? If so, your Will will have been automatically revoked and will need to be updated.
Are you going through a divorce? You should remake your Will as divorce does not automatically revoke a Will, although the ex-spouse is automatically excluded from any benefit.
Review your Will on a regular basis and particularly when there are major changes of circumstance, family or financial. This is especially important to remember because accounts or assets that are held in joint names will almost definitely bypass the terms of your Will and transfer directly, by survivorship, to the other joint owner. This could defeat specific provisions in your Will.
Note that if you have specifically gifted an asset or account, and if you dispose of that asset or account the gift in your Will will fail. For example, if you leave your account with Bank A to a particular beneficiary and you close that account to open an account with Bank B, the beneficiary will receive nothing.
If any of the above changes in circumstance relate to you, you need advice from a solicitor experienced in the preparation of Wills and Codicils, Probate, Tax planning, and the granting and use of Powers of Attorney.