Derek Harding died on April 6th 2021 at the age of
98. His faith was the mainstay of his life, and for many
years he was Head Server at the parish church.
He was born in Southsea, moving to Jersey and Canterbury,
and came to Epsom via Canterbury and Jersey. He grew up in
Epsom, and attended St. Barnabas church. In the war he
served as a wireless operator in military intelligence in
North Africa and Italy. After the war Derek continued
working for the Ministry of Defence and retired with the
equivalent rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
His reason for moving to Leatherhead was to build his own
house! Troy Homes, champions of small housebuilders, had
bought some fields above the Royal School for the Blind, and
in the 1950s encouraged ‘amateurs’ to build their own homes,
to help in post-war regeneration.
So for several years Derek spent weekends and
holidays on site in Yarm Close, working on building the
estate houses. His wife Veronica, known as Mick would often
go along with other wives to make refreshments for the men.
Sandra would accompany her and remembers seeing men in
scarlet jackets standing in Highlands Road as they went past
the Blind School – the Chelsea Pensioners were evacuated
there until 1956!
