Churches Together in Leatherhead
invite you to a Festival of Faith
1-9 October 2005

Saturday 1 October

8 am
Christ Church, Epsom Road.
Festival Breakfast
All welcome. Guest speaker: Dave Greenwood - Mission Aviation Fellowship MAF uses aviation and other strategic technologies to overcome barriers in reaching the world for Christ.
£3 per person

10 am - 12 noon approx
Meet at Christ Church, Epsom Road.
I-Spy Local Churches A guided walk around the local churches, for accompanied children of primary school age. Work sheets provided. To book contact Margaret - 01372 277 415

8 pm
Christ Church, Epsom Road.
The Voice of Melody Chamber music for voice, organ and other instruments.
Tickets £6 Tickets at door or to book - 020 8398 4896 or (with this and anyother email addresses shown, please replace AT with @ before sending the email)

Sunday 2 October

10.30 am
St Mary and St Nicholas Parish Church, Church Road.
Festival United Family Service All ages in church together.

4 pm
Our Lady and St Peter's, Garlands Road.
Vespers and Benediction

6.30 pm
St Michael's Church, Mickleham.
Choral Evensong Sung by Reigate St Mary's Choir School.

Monday 3 October

8 pm
Methodist Church, Church Road
A Meeting of the Ways An inter faith dialogue between Christian and Muslim believers. How can different faiths live together and support each other in the light of current conflicts?

Monday 3 - Tuesday 4 October
Faith, Fun and Foolishness Clown Roly Bain visits local primary schools. Parents welcome. Contact individual schools for details.

Thursday 6 October

8 pm
Christ Church, Epsom Road.
Festival Lecture Real Bible Study given by The Very Revd Dr Jeffrey John, Dean of St Albans. The Bible is the Christian Holy Book, but how do we read it and understand it? Dr John takes a critical look as a way of enhancing faith in the modern world. Booking not necessary.

Friday 7 October

8 pm
B-Free - Youth Cafe and Information Centre, Kingston Road.
Band Nite at B-Free

8 pm
Our Lady and St Peter's Church Hall, Garlands Road.
Community Quiz Night
Teams of six. All welcome. £5 per person - to include Fish and Chip Supper, Raffle and Prizes. To enter contact Martin - 01372 373 330

Saturday 8 October

10 am - 4 pm
Methodist Church, Church Road.
A Day of Discovery Led by spirituality guru, The Revd Richard King, Adviser in Spirituality for the Diocese of Guildford. Come and discover ways of praying that work for you. £5 per person. Bring your own lunch.
To book contact David - 01372 372 313

8 pm
St Mary and St Nicholas Parish Church, Church Road.
Gala Concert Popular Christian classics from Bach to Lloyd-Webber Church Choirs, Pilgrim Singers and members of Mickleham Choral Society. Tickets £7 - £5 restricted view. To book contact Daphne - 01483 766 881

Sunday 9 October

10.30 am
Methodist Church, Church Road.
Festival United Eucharist
With Sunday Club for children. President: The Revd John Swarbrick, Chair of the London SW Methodist District.

6.30 pm
Christ Church, Epsom Road.
Festival Service of Praise Special Guest Speaker: Revd Dr David Peel, National Moderator of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church.

Throughout the Week

St Mary and St Nicholas Parish Church, Church Road
10 am - 4 pm Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday. 10 am - 9 pm Tuesday and Wednesday - (Unless there are services in church.)
Faith in Creation
An exhibition of paintings from the Shed Art Group ShedArt is a dynamic group of contemporary artists who constantly experiment with vibrant new ideas and varied media. Visit their website for more information.

Methodist Church, Church Road.
10 am - 4 pm Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday. 10 am - 9 pm Tuesday and Wednesday - (Unless there are services in church)
A Labyrinth for Prayer
A new way into God by an ancient pathway. Come and try it for yourself.

St Mary and St Nicholas Parish Church, Church Road
10 am - 4 pm Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday. 10 am - 9 pm Tuesday and Wednesday - (Unless there are services in church)
The F Word: images of forgiveness An exhibition of words and photographs. ' The exhibition is produced by The Forgiveness Project, a non-partisan, non-religious charitable organisation working at local, national and international level to promote conflict resolution and restorative practices as alternatives to the endless cycles of conflict, violence and crime that are the hallmarks of our time. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who is a patron of The Forgiveness Project, describes forgiveness as a journey out of victimhood.

Town Centre
6 am - Midnight.
Trailer for prayer and information
The Church Army trailer will be stationed in the High St. throughout the week. It will be a focus for Prayer as part of the Surrey Week of Prayer and will also provide information on the Festival.

This information is also provided in a leaflet which has been delivered to as many households as volunteers have been able to cover.