A leaflet is being provided to each family attending services at the Parish Church in December. Here is the text:
Leatherhead Parish
Growing disciples of Jesus Christ
Christmas 2012Thank you for being part of the Parish Church Christmas celebrations by joining in one of the services as a regular member or a visitor. This leaflet will keep you up-to-date with the latest happenings and help you keep in touch in 2013.
Church floor
You may have read in the Parish Magazine that the Church floor has dry-rot. This in fact turned out to be wet-rot plus weevil beetles. It needs remedying as a matter of urgency.
Parish Church Hall cookers
These were recently condemned as unsuitable for use in a public kitchen as they do not have venting or fail-safe devices. The PCC approved expenditure of up to £3,500 to install a new commercial cooker.
Church, the building
We are looking to improve the facilities at the Parish Church. Where we once thought we had a choice, we are now finding that Health and Safety, and wear and tear are making it essential to renew some of these facilities. As with any internal works one thing often has a knock-on effect on something else. If we have to have a new floor, it makes sense to improve the heating system at the same time and also to insert cabling for technology. So we need a plan. And we want it to be a good one so we need an expert to do this for us and experts cost money.
The PCC has decided to invest in expert advice by commissioning a plan for the inside of the Church and have committed up to £10,000 for this project. All plans will be available to the congregation when they are drawn up.
Any works undertaken will require significant investment and working out how we can fund this will be part of our considerations. In the meantime the general running of the Church relies on the generosity of the congregation and visitors on a daily basis so thank you for your contribution.
Crib Service, Christmas Eve 4pm
The children are always quick to volunteer to participate in this service so come and watch them. Children can dress in Nativity-dress if they wish. Halos, tea towels, the choice is yours!
Toddler Group
Thanks to Sarah-Jane, Anne and Katie who have kept this popular group running this year. They are always looking for new helpers with setting up, coffee, craft and clearing away. All the adults take it in turns with the duties.
Congratulations to those who have had 'special' birthdays this year: John S, Lesley K, Alison W, Jane S, Roger L, Beverley M, Lorraine W and those who have kept it quiet.
Also to Youth Worker Jay and wife Carol who celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary on 22 December.
Messy Church
Messy Church is a time of craft, activities, a song, a story and tea for primary school children and their families. It attracts around 50 children so if you haven't been yet, you are missing out. The other churches send far more helpers so if you can boost the Parish Church contingent let us know on L373330. Third Thursday of the month 3.30-5.30pm Methodist Hall.
How can you get your voice heard ?
Speak to any PCC member anytime (see Magazine). Why not get elected onto the PCC ? Next elections are on 17 April 2013 but you must be on the Church Electoral Roll and everyone needs to fill in a new form early in 2013.
Prayers are included in every Sunday service and in services throughout the week and in Small Groups and in private prayer. We also have a Prayer Chain so that prayers can be offered as soon as the need is known. Contact us on L372313.
The new-look Autumn Fayre
The new-look Autumn Fayre (Saturday 5 October 1-4pm) needs all those unwanted Christmas gifts and your cracker novelties please. Contact us on L372313.
The Rector and the Curate are available at coffeetime on a Sunday at 11.45am in Church or by appointment.
Ways to keep up-to-date:
- The Notice sheet is available every week in Church and on the website.
- The Magazine is published just before the beginning of each month and is available in Church or can be delivered to your door.
- Spoken notices are also given,for urgent items during main services.
- Join the Rector's emailing list for Special Occasions
- Or the weekly Sunday Club emailing list if you're a young family.
Coming soon ...
We have a new logo of a flying swan, a new website and a new street notice board. The original website will remain with a more historical touch in the safe hands of Frank L379341
Your new 3-part Communications Team
1. Press : Donald Yeates
2. External : Jonny Follett (that's the website; and Facebook and Twitter are on their way).
3. Internal : Janine Stagg - making sure you hear the facts hot off the press.How to contact people ?
Try the Phone List at the back of the Parish Magazine or contact the Parish Office L362544.
Brief who's who
Rector: Revd Graham Osborne L372313
Curate: Revd Dr Kuhan Satkunanayagam L372203
Youth: Jay Bristow 07971 294994
Children: Chris Stagg L374914The Worship Key Area Working Group
This meets in January so if you have any comments on any aspect of the services please address your written comments to Kuhan via the Parish Office.
Save the date!
Burns Night - Fri 25 January Parish Church Hall.
Christmas or Xmas ?
Over the years I've heard people object to the use of "Xmas' on the grounds that it is taking 'Christ' out of Christmas. Alternatively some say it is putting the "cross" into Christmas thus making the link between Easter and Christmas. Jesus was born as a baby at Christmas but that's part of the wider story which arrives at Easter but only as a new beginning in the story of eternity.
Best way to keep in touch
If this Christmas makes you wonder more about what life is all about, those real soul-searching questions, why not join us on a Sunday?
8am: Prayer Book Service
10.30am: Traditional Service open to everyone with hymns and coffee
6.30pm: Contemporary Service with band and more coffee (or even wine)For weekly updates phone the Parish Office.
Baptisms (or Christenings)
These happen on an almost weekly basis. Baptisms of babies are a welcome into God's family so if you want your child to grow up within the Church family and knowing about God, Jesus, prayer and more come along to Sunday Club for 3 to 10s upstairs in the Parish Hall at 10.15am. You don't have to commit to every week (but your children might just want to!) And what better start to life in a world that has all sorts of things to deal with.
If you are 9 to 18 years contact Jay (07971 294994) who is the Uniting Churches Youthworker for info about cellgroups, services and activities designed specially for you.
Our Covenanting Church partners
Our Covenanting Church partners - The Methodist and United Reformed Churches - have shared a minister for some time. They are in the process of recruiting a new Minister and of evaluating their buildings, one of which could be sold or re-developed.
Happy New Year
In 2013, we will be looking at the Values we share as a Church and want to be known by, and the PCC will undergo a Myers Briggs day to help us identify how we perceive the world and make decisions !